-cerberus-: A definite thanks for the informative post. But I wasn't precise enough in my original post, my apologies. I meant to ask if there was a way of forcing the game to render full screen in 4:3 without letterboxing because, as the PCGamingWiki page confirms, all other aspect ratios are letterboxed. I'm guessing it's hard-coded into the game?
Hi, i know its already late for a reply, but i find a way to make it. Use the Hex Editor on the engine.u archive on the game files, and modify the hex value from 39 8E E3 3F (16:9) to AB AA AA 3F (4:3), doing that the game will open without the black bars, BUT, the game still will have a problem, the game menu will be glicht out, so the gameplay, to fix that u will have to edit some lines on mirrors edge TdEngine.ini, on "Documents/EA Games/Mirror's Edge/TdGame/Config/TdEngine.ini". Find the following lines:
- UpscaleScreenPercentage=False (replace False with True)
- ScreenPercentage=100.000000 (replace 100 with 75)
And save the the archive. Its a lot a work, i know LMAO, but what i did worked for me, i hope that works for u to. sry for the bad english, its not my first language.