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My fellow Kyosians! This is a special GOG-exclusive update. It's going to be pretty short, but I'd like to address a few things:

1) I usually try to put Minotaur on sale only when there's new content, but this time we didn't quite make it. Do not be alarmed, though! The first update is coming in the beginning of next week, and then there'll be another one soon after that. In fact, you can already play the alpha-version of some of this new stuff - if you'd like to do that, I suggest joining our Discord and checking out the #development-updates channel!

2) As Minotaur is getting bigger, the amount of its save data also increases. This led to some changes in the list of files that are cloud-synced by the Galaxy client, so if you'll get a message about your local save files conflicting with the ones on the server, know that your local files should take priority, and that you should use those! It's highly unlikely that this will happen, but I thought that it's best to mention it just in case. If you'll still have problems with your save data, no worries - let me know and I'll help you restore it!

3) Thanks to a bug report from one of our original backers, we discovered that the cross-platform save syncing is broken (in most cases, you can use MacOS save files on Windows, but not the other way around). This turned out to be much more complicated issue than I originally thought, and I'm still trying to develop a solution for it. I will let you know how it goes in the upcoming update (and/or the troubleshooting posts here, which I will also update soon).

And that's that! I hope that you're enjoying the sale, and I'll get back to you with some new stuff soon : )

