eolsunder: yea, no big deal many skills are useless in MM7. Stealing, ID monster, etc.
Earth Mage and dare I say...Fire Magic are completely useless as well.
Also, some guy made a statement that getting over 100 armor class is pointless because of diminishing returns in terms of damage reduction.
Getting 100 armor class isn't that hard with some enchanted rings and expert leather (just to eliminate the recovery penalty). The speed stat also increases armor class. So the shield skill is kinda pointless. Also, the resistance boost from GM leather seems appealing but remind yourself that any enchanted item with "of protection" gives +10 to all resistances for 0 skill points. So you can realistically use Leather Armor on every character and still survive.
That said, The 1/2 damage from physical attacks granted from Plate is a huge deal.
However, the game isn't too hard so anyone with 1 sorcerer, 1 cleric and 2 of anything else can realistically beat the game. The Quickstart party is perfectly fine.