Posted February 19, 2011
It's been many a year since I have played MM6, and I had the original, unpatched version. After I opened the game after this long hiatus and added the "unofficial" patch, it seems to me that either 1.2 or the subsequent patches have made the game easier, possibly to the point of dumbing-down the challenge too much. It's only an impression, through the mists of memory, but the loot in the chests seems to be much better, and more copious, than when last I played. This was brought home with a bang when I opened the chest in the room hidden behind the Queen Spider's lair in the Abandoned Temple, and found, among a lot of other goodies, Royal Chain Mail of Health, bigod, a treasure I would have been happy to find in Kriegspire! Since my only other chain-mail using character already had the chain from the NWC dungeon, you could say my armor problems are solved before I've even left Sorpigal.
So here I am with a 6th-level party, and already the two main tanks have ACs of 63 and 55. While it's nice to be so hard to hit, it does take a bit of the joy out of acquiring, say, some Lord's Chain Mail down the road.
My recollection is that the junk in most of the chests was just that, especially in the starting areas. Royal Chain Mail is at least two levels higher than anything I'd expect to find in Sorpigal. The shops also seem to be selling a better grade of stuff -- both of my mages are using Piercing Daggers already, so with the bonuses from the NWC shrine they can lay on some serious hurt. One of the best things about MM6 is all the cool stuff there is to buy and loot -- getting such good items so early kind of spoils it, IMO.
Do other veteran players get the same impression, or am I veiwing MM6 through the rosy-tinted glasses of nostalgia? I'm not really complaining -- it is fun to be so strong so early -- but it certainly felt wierd to sweep through the Goblin Keep in one day without having to run away and heal up. And there was a huge amount of good loot there, too.
-- Mal
So here I am with a 6th-level party, and already the two main tanks have ACs of 63 and 55. While it's nice to be so hard to hit, it does take a bit of the joy out of acquiring, say, some Lord's Chain Mail down the road.
My recollection is that the junk in most of the chests was just that, especially in the starting areas. Royal Chain Mail is at least two levels higher than anything I'd expect to find in Sorpigal. The shops also seem to be selling a better grade of stuff -- both of my mages are using Piercing Daggers already, so with the bonuses from the NWC shrine they can lay on some serious hurt. One of the best things about MM6 is all the cool stuff there is to buy and loot -- getting such good items so early kind of spoils it, IMO.
Do other veteran players get the same impression, or am I veiwing MM6 through the rosy-tinted glasses of nostalgia? I'm not really complaining -- it is fun to be so strong so early -- but it certainly felt wierd to sweep through the Goblin Keep in one day without having to run away and heal up. And there was a huge amount of good loot there, too.
-- Mal