whit80: MM6 and MM7 get no walksound suddenly. Only every once in a while will I hear it, usually going up steep terrain. Any one had this problem? Thanks.
I've had exactly the same problem. The footstep sound is there but it's extremely low. If you turn the speaker volume all the way up you can hear them, though then the other sounds become unbearably loud.
In my case it was because the center speaker in my 5.1, through which the footstep sound plays was not plugged properly. Unplugging and replugging fixed it. Also changing it to 2 speaker in my sound card's control panel would fix it too, since then the footstep sounds would be played in both side speakers instead of central one.
https://www.gog.com/forum/might_and_magic_series/mm7_footstep_sounds I remember when I had that problem I researched it, and others reported it too. For some it was just random, and the sound came back after restarting,