Posted May 30, 2017
So I am thinking to replay MM III in some time in future and I want to have "perfect" party with good gear. But before I will make my gearing plan I want to know if it is possible for AC to overflow? Is there any other stat which might overflow because of gear choices?
Are there any similar issues in World of Xeen? I know that it is harder to get higher AC in Xeen because accessories don't provide AC anymore, but still.
P.S.: Btw, recently I discovered insane overflow in MM6. When you are about to reach Lv. 2073 (2^31-1 Experience), you will get "free" levels upto 32767 (though you will still need to pay training costs, but those were reduced with one of the patches, so it is eventually achievable). You can train to levels higher than 32767, but they will overflow, your maximum SP will become 0, and maximum HP will become 1, training costs will drastically increase, and trainer will say that your level is in billions now (screenshot provided). Eventually it can overflow back to 1...
Are there any similar issues in World of Xeen? I know that it is harder to get higher AC in Xeen because accessories don't provide AC anymore, but still.
P.S.: Btw, recently I discovered insane overflow in MM6. When you are about to reach Lv. 2073 (2^31-1 Experience), you will get "free" levels upto 32767 (though you will still need to pay training costs, but those were reduced with one of the patches, so it is eventually achievable). You can train to levels higher than 32767, but they will overflow, your maximum SP will become 0, and maximum HP will become 1, training costs will drastically increase, and trainer will say that your level is in billions now (screenshot provided). Eventually it can overflow back to 1...
This question / problem has been solved by dtgreene