Hawk52: From my experience, I learned how to play and got a few hours in a couple months ago.
- Ranged weapons help, but it actually ruined some of the fun of the game for me. It turned it into a kind of crappy FPS. That being said, I think you kind of have to to some degree. I got as far as the second location and there are so many ranged enemies. It's nearly impossible to get close enough to them to kill them without being shot to pieces. Instead I just ended up taking them out one by one with ranged in a really slow, slow process.
- Early on in the first location, you want to methodically take out the surrounding areas. I did Goblin Watch last. What I would do with ranged enemies is I'd try to draw them out one by one using baiting, or with the case of the mages, I would use the town's walls. The spells wouldn't hit, forcing them closer where I could engage in melee.
- I had a party of a Knight, Rogue, Cleric & Wizard. Lots of healing, and decent spell coverage.
(Im writing rogue to, but what you really mean is archer i suppose :)
Which charechters did u dump stat points into? (cleric for instacne should ONLY get personality in my oppinion, wizzard ONLY int, rogue shouldnt get any, the knight MUST have accuracy+might, knight is definetly the charechter who gets most out of having stats)
PS: remove all might from Sorccerer , it's a waste.
Depending on magic school you choose, you can also remove his accuracy (fire arrow for instance requires accuracy though)
Which spells were you using? in my experience air tends to be the best starting spell school, "sparks" spell is a killing machine, especially in dungeons, on cleric get bless very quikly, and have it on your knight constantly (rogue to, he has decent damage)
(also you want fly as fast as possible, cause your lazy right?
Actually luck is another "insignificant" stat, i tend to remove luck from ALL charechters, except for the cleric maybe if you feel its needed.
Since removing accuracy and might from wizzard will make his melle the sadest thing you ever seen, he will use a lot of spells, and he will go oom long before you find you need to rest (meaning you do not CONSTNATLY cast spells), so why not remove speed from your wizzard? it's not like you'll need it anyway.
By doing this you'll have an easy time maxing your knights might, accuracy, and speed.
Personality of cleric will also be maxed (more sp)
Int of sorcerrer will also be maxed (more sp)
And you'll even have unused skillpoints, these should be used to increase rogues combat skills (might is best, but accuracy is damned nice to, speed should be ignored here in my oppinion)
You might have xtra, use these on endurance for cleric (you might consider trading some knight endurance points for cleric endurance points (that means making knight endurance in the reds)
S=Standard, meaning unchanged, M=maxed, m=minimum
My party when designing is basicly this:
---------------knight ----|---- archer ----|---- cleric ---|--- sorccerer
Might------- 25(M) -----| ------19 -------|----- 7(S)--- |------ 5(m)
Intelect------ 5(m)----- |----- 14(S)---- | -----7(m) --|------ 25(M)
Personality 5(m)------|----- 5(m)----- |---- 25(M)-- |------ 7(m)
Endurance 12---------| -----11(S)----- |---- 13------ | ------11(s)
accuracy--- 25(M)---- |------ 16 -------| ----11(S)---| -------5(m)
Speed -----25(M)----- |------ 11(s)---- |---- 7(S)---- |----- 12(m)
Luck -------7(m)------- |------ 5(m)---- |--- 12(m)--- |------ 9(m)
Archer is a merger between sorccerer and knight, i often dulge these kind of classes into the earth magic school only when the time comes, and then spare my sorccerer from that school, earth magic has some pretty neat buffs, and your archer wont require to much magic to cast these, as for the damage spells, they can be used for "dire" situations later in the game.
As melle classes tend to be the strongest early game, you will want to design any paladin or archer's starting stats to focus on combat rather then spellcasting, these stats will with the levels become insignificant, and when the time comes it wont have mattered that you ignored spellcasting when designing him/her.
You might notice my knight has "Axe" chosen, this is because axe is the best weapons in this game, they have such sick damage, the only bad thing is, you cant duel wield axes, thats why you also have sword, axe in 1 hand, sword in the other :) (but skill up axe first, as its the best to start with, that or spear if you prefere a more defensive knight)
Note: it might be worth considering, trading cleric combat skills for more in the archer/paladins combat skills, but thats a question of preference, mace is a awesome weapon and my clerics tend to do a lot of damage around level 6 when they get expert mace when i play :)