BlueMooner: The spell only making weak items was known in the old communities, I guess it was forgotten as they disappeared.
The purpose of the spell is only to get more money, as you slap it on items you're going to sell. That's it. Never expect to get anything useful from it.
i strongly disagree - i buy some items to just enchant and sell back to store for the gold gains - but I'm also a player who enjoys (abusing) the save + load function to get useful results from enchanting. in my various playthroughs over the years i found out +12 is the maximum of a single stat roll you can get on an item by enchanting, some monsters drop up to +24 (or +25, I'm not sure here) on single stat rolls. for weapon enchants, they also seem to be quite limited (or low!) if done by using the enchanting spell. if found by a monster drop, they seem to possibly be x2 or x3 times as strong in comparison. you can also (ab-)use the save + load function before looting a monster to loot it as often as you want to get a good item and/or bug loot a monster corpse, where you get loot but the corpse won't despawn and you can loot it again. this makes it possible for patient players to loot many items from just 1 corpse, it's very tiring for the fingers, eyes + mind tho, repeating the same button presses, having the load screen flash again and again + enduring the non success until you get something you want. it can be very rewarding tho, as some stronger monsters can have extremely nice enchants on their item drop. i love looking at my chars, wearing +12 armor enchants on the best armors i found and enchanting them until i got the stat i want as high as i want it.
i've recently started another playthrough and did some research, came across the enchant on timing etc. blabla and i will test it out on 20th march, which is 1 of the recommended days to do so and see if i can get any results that are above the limits that i know of.
i hoped it would be possible to get the stronger (monster drop only) enchants but there was no difference to enchanting on 20th of march to any other day.