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Hi, I just finished playing MM1 where I set cycles=fixed 200 in Dosbox config file. That way it felt like the "orignal" speed of the game when it was released and CPUs were slow in comaprison to modern CPUs. Animations felt normal and combat text was easily readable (did not disappear to quickly and also did not linger there unnecessarily long) with default in-game settings (i.e. Delay=5).

Now I started playing MM2 and the default speed (cycles=fixed 80000) does not feel right, animations are too fast and combat text disappears too quickly. However after setting the cycles to 200 the game does not even load :-) (it does not get past the first screen, I tried waiting like a minute, pressing Enter or Esc keys...).

Is there any recommended setting for this? Or should I play with default and just set Delay=9 in the game?

This question / problem has been solved by PetrusOctavianusimage
200 is way too low, and 80,000 is way too high for just about any game.

If in doubt and don't want to test different values, just use the Auto option.

Delay is a separate function, and you should test various values and see which one you are most comfortable with. If you're a control freak you'll want the text to remain long enough to read it, for example.
Post edited November 08, 2021 by PetrusOctavianus
PetrusOctavianus: 200 is way too low, and 80,000 is way too high for just about any game.

If in doubt and don't want to test different values, just use the Auto option.

Delay is a separate function, and you should test various values and see which one you are most comfortable with. If you're a control freak you'll want the text to remain long enough to read it, for example.
Thank you. I was kind of hoping that there would be some "recommended" setting emulating the normal PC of that time and I did not realize that cycles of DOSBox do not work this way and it depends on CPU of machine running the DOSBox. Hence the values are not universal.

I just tried Auto option and it seems fine (it runs the game with cycles=3000 on my PC). The animations seem to match what I just saw when I watched a bit of gameplay video on YouTube. Combat text is also ok once I increase Delay a bit (7 or 8 seems ok for me).