UndeadHalfOrc: another hint if you use dosbox:
type ALT-Pause. It will freeze the timer. You will see PAUSED in the title bar.
Yes, this would have been the smart way to work through the final challenge. Unfortunately I did not do it tried to beat the game fairly and failed.... Which I thought is nothing bad as one can try it again....the issue however then has been that all the items required to get their had been gone and in order to try it a second time I would need to go back to all the places and collect them.... somehow I could not find the energy to do this.. had mixed feeling of failing (it too me 5 min longer than what the game has given me) and having been betrayed to try it again...So MM2 will have to wait another 30 years till I play it again....as starting MM3 has been much more energizing