organmike: You'll hit ALL your party members, not just those in close combat. Same goes with Web and a couple others. It's not really fair, because the enemy can throw fireballs at your melee-range fighters and not hit their own front row.
Thanks for clarifiying. Tested it myself, and you're right...
I've never had fireball fail... Acid rain on the other hand fails if there are no enemies outside mellee
I just killed Paul Pead (is that an easter egg or a reference to something by the way... the only character with a name and surname) easily w/o skill potions or anything, even though first time I tried ages ago my team was annihilated. Can kill 2 dragons too, even when coupled with other strong enemies. 3 dragons give me problems though if I don't kill any before they attack, their breath attack can leave me crippled.
Doing the quests for Lord hacker now.. I'm at the stage where he want Okrim's ring.
I figured what remove quest is for... since you can only have 1 quest at a time you can remove it if you find it too difficult, so as to get an easier one from someone else. But someone here mentioned there was a spoiler involved. Is there more to it?
Also, I assume xp decreases as you increase in levels, it appears as if enemies which were giving me more xp are giving little now. Might be my imagination though, coupled with the fact that many run away.
Also, how exactly does AC work. Does it decrease chance to hit, damage or both? I seem to be taking little damage from some enemies. Is it because of AC or high level?
Thanks in advance...