Posted June 27, 2011
I have a couple of questions regarding Might and Magic III: Isles of Tera. Being the first Might and Magic game I've attempted to play, it's pretty confusing but I've managed to figure most of this out, save for some things (quite a few things):
1. I have a habit of saving my game at the most unfortunate times, sometimes putting me in a difficult spot for reloading, or even making a game impossible to complete depending on the situation I saved during. What are the files that contain the save information in my game's directory, so that I can back them up when I reach a good mile mark in the game, I'd hate to botch something up and lose all this work.
2. Is there any way to reverse the age modifier? I fought some ghosts and it was about 3 hours in when I noticed my age statistic on several characters was greyed and higher than it should be. That was also when I noticed they "had" an age statistic.
3. Speaking of the age statistic, does anything happen if this gets too high? Do my characters die of old age at some point, or suffer stat penalties for getting older? Do I have to worry about it? Considering how long it took my characters to age to 19 (well, barring their ghostly age spurts) I would have to waste time purposefully for this to be a problem.
4. Is there a time limit in this game? Seeing the time tick away so quickly, and the fact my characters have an age statistic worries me a bit. Should I try to make most of my in game time, or can I dilly dally about? The only time I feel like I should make the most of a day is when I'm buffed up from the temples and places on the world map. I've learned to time grabbing buffs during the morning because buffs seem to disappear at sunrise, regardless how soon I got them (so annoying ._. ).
5. I noticed a certain fountain after completing a certain quest would allow me to spend gold for EXP. I realize this is here for a reason, but I wonder when would be a good time to start forking out the cash for levels. Should I exhaust all possible dungeons and burn all the monster outposts I can before I resort to buying EXP, or should I be splurging when I have the cash? I really want to get my Sorcerer to 17 and it's looking so tempting...
Thanks for the help.
1. I have a habit of saving my game at the most unfortunate times, sometimes putting me in a difficult spot for reloading, or even making a game impossible to complete depending on the situation I saved during. What are the files that contain the save information in my game's directory, so that I can back them up when I reach a good mile mark in the game, I'd hate to botch something up and lose all this work.
2. Is there any way to reverse the age modifier? I fought some ghosts and it was about 3 hours in when I noticed my age statistic on several characters was greyed and higher than it should be. That was also when I noticed they "had" an age statistic.
3. Speaking of the age statistic, does anything happen if this gets too high? Do my characters die of old age at some point, or suffer stat penalties for getting older? Do I have to worry about it? Considering how long it took my characters to age to 19 (well, barring their ghostly age spurts) I would have to waste time purposefully for this to be a problem.
4. Is there a time limit in this game? Seeing the time tick away so quickly, and the fact my characters have an age statistic worries me a bit. Should I try to make most of my in game time, or can I dilly dally about? The only time I feel like I should make the most of a day is when I'm buffed up from the temples and places on the world map. I've learned to time grabbing buffs during the morning because buffs seem to disappear at sunrise, regardless how soon I got them (so annoying ._. ).
5. I noticed a certain fountain after completing a certain quest would allow me to spend gold for EXP. I realize this is here for a reason, but I wonder when would be a good time to start forking out the cash for levels. Should I exhaust all possible dungeons and burn all the monster outposts I can before I resort to buying EXP, or should I be splurging when I have the cash? I really want to get my Sorcerer to 17 and it's looking so tempting...
Thanks for the help.
This question / problem has been solved by Thiev