ZFR: The peasant in White Cap keep talking about a "secret pass in these mountains that can take days off your travel". I can't seem to find it and I've explored most of that area... What are they referring to.
No direct spoilers please. If you could just give general directions on what/where it is. Or let me know if it's another one of those things that wasn't implemented in the game after all.
I believe the reference is to walking to and fro between White Cap and Castle Stone across the mountains. They can be scaled in a few places (without using Fly or even Jump spell), some with a struggle and others less so, also descended safely (if gingerly) without recourse to Feather Fall. An apparent graphical glitch could be a clue to the best route.
Having found two such "glitches", one each side, I'm convinced they must be deliberate. The "days off" are the 10 it would take going round by road, 5 south to Free Haven one side of the mountains then 5 back north again the other.