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Howdy. First time posting and playing this game, first time using GOG system too.

So I tried to launch the game several times but it never came through. Nothing showing up in task manager. But when I tried to manually start the shortcut .exe and I got this window error saying the program can't start because XINPUT9_1_0.dll is missing.

I'm not very keen on re-installing stuff because my set up is very complicated. Last time I did such thing, I had to wipe the SSD clean and re-install everything from scratch; Operating System, drivers, install a bunch of stuff, and so on. Certain newer drivers was causing problem.

I also tried to find this file every few other months but not getting any luck. I gave up and now I don't remember where it goes either. LOL.

Anyway, if someone can help me sending me to the right file direction without downloading viruses and malware or not send me to any suspicious sites and make sure it goes to what directory that'll be great.

Windows Server 2012 R2 OS.
DX version 11
Post edited October 05, 2022 by brightheadlight
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Which game of the series are you talking about?

Anyway this seems to be an error related to DirectX, I suggest you to reinstall it. Go here, download ad install.