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Here are my specs:

CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X @ 4.7GHz
RAM: 32GB @ 4000MHz
GPU: 3080Ti
Monitor: MAG274QRF

When ever I started Shadow of Mordor it would crash on startup. I look online for various solutions, but they did not work, such as deleting the game's save directory or modifying the TessellationToggle or Lighting parameter in the 'render.cfg' file. After a bit of experimenting I did find the cause of the problem. In the 'render.cfg' file the default setting for texture quality is ["Render.Setting.TextureQuality" "3.000000"], which is the Ultra setting in the menu. When changed this value to "2.000000" (High setting). The game started working. When I set the texture quality back to Ultra in-game and then restart, the game would crash again. In short, I can't set the textures to ultra quality without the game throwing a fit.

I hope this fix helps anyone else having trouble getting the game running.