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How do I get a landmark to identify? I am standing RIGHT NEXT to a statue, yet still cannot use it as a way-point on the map.
You can only use landmarks that are already visible on your map. So you need to find a map of the area. I think when you pin point your position next to an unknown landmark it becomes visible, though I'm not 100% sure.
This is underexplained in-game so allow me to give a short walkthrough (thanks Jefe for explaining this to me):
-Traingulating your position is pretty simple. Pull up your map, find two "know" landmarks and click on 'em.
-In order to triangulate an unknown landmark to make it known, you have to first triangulate your position as usual. Then, while still in your map view, click on the unknown landmark. A line will be drawn to it on your map. Triangulate the position of an unknown landmark from two (fairly different, you can't just move over an inch) positions to make it known and place it on the map.
In addition, any landmark you're standing directly next to counts as known.
So, you have to stick to one "known" area at all times?

Kinda ruins the exploration part. They should rename the game to "Let's map an Island"

Well, thanks for the explanation.
Filthgrinder: So, you have to stick to one "known" area at all times?

Kinda ruins the exploration part. They should rename the game to "Let's map an Island"

Well, thanks for the explanation.
I think with a little bit of care and planning it's possible to go off on your own and map stuff as you go. You would just need to be sure to triangulate new landmarks as frequently as possible, and plan your route so that you keep known landmarks in view when possible. Perhaps a little pointless, though. The game is kinda designed to progress along a set path, as far as I can tell. Also, don't forget that this isn't just an exploration game. It's an exploration/survival game. So you aren't really supposed to be able to dash off wherever you like without a second thought. Getting lost is a threat, just like dehydration, fever, and of course mauling.
Filthgrinder: So, you have to stick to one "known" area at all times?

Kinda ruins the exploration part. They should rename the game to "Let's map an Island"

Well, thanks for the explanation.
Oh, one other thing... when you triangulate your position, I believe nearby landmarks become known. So that makes things easier as well. And I'm now at a point in the game where there's no clear path to travel on, and I do kinda need to start exploring on my own. So I was incorrect. It's not all supposed to progress on a set path.
Post edited December 06, 2012 by jefequeso
Filthgrinder: So, you have to stick to one "known" area at all times?

Kinda ruins the exploration part. They should rename the game to "Let's map an Island"

Well, thanks for the explanation.
jefequeso: Oh, one other thing... when you triangulate your position, I believe nearby landmarks become known. So that makes things easier as well. And I'm now at a point in the game where there's no clear path to travel on, and I do kinda need to start exploring on my own. So I was incorrect. It's not all supposed to progress on a set path.
It might be better described as a series of short linear paths with a bunch of nonlinear exploration inbetween, i.e. you'll explore until you find a lead on where the next part of the cure is, head there, do that, then continue exploring.

Also, keep in mind that you don't need to (and can't, as far I'm aware) map the entire island. You should be able to find your way through forests and stuff with your compass as long as you pay attention.
When you fix your current position by sighting two known landmarks you may notice an odd looking marker appear near your location. It took me a while to figure out what it was but after a bit of experimentation I know what it is.

It's a pin that marks the location that your reticule was pointing at when you opened the map, but it only appears once your location is determined. There isn't much use for it other than reminding you which direction you were last looking. Although I suppose you could use it pinpoint a location you can see but are unsure of how far away it is.

i.e. Look at the location, hit M and then use known landmarks to fix your location. The pin should be on the spot you were looking at.
TigerWalts: When you fix your current position by sighting two known landmarks you may notice an odd looking marker appear near your location. It took me a while to figure out what it was but after a bit of experimentation I know what it is.

It's a pin that marks the location that your reticule was pointing at when you opened the map, but it only appears once your location is determined. There isn't much use for it other than reminding you which direction you were last looking. Although I suppose you could use it pinpoint a location you can see but are unsure of how far away it is.

i.e. Look at the location, hit M and then use known landmarks to fix your location. The pin should be on the spot you were looking at.
ooohhhhh.... THAT'S what it is.