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How does this game compare to something like Hotline: Miami?
hfm: How does this game compare to something like Hotline: Miami?
Sorry for the late reply, but I just bought the bundle and didn't bother to surf the forums until now (the bundle is still valid until thursday, 15th of may, so for a buck, I recommend to get the steam key and drm free build if you are interested).

The only way you can relate to HM in this game, is that you kill people from a top-down perspective. Other than that, it's totally different. It is slow, it requires planning and it is "open-world".

The gameplay consists on going to two locations where you get contracts, which consist on killing someone on "different" situations. I say "different" because you end up buying the same contract (the one with all traits because it pays more) with a random victim's name. Then you can, either kill the victim by yourself, or try and make the victim to draw his/her weapon (if carrying one) and get him/her killed by police/vigilantes if detected.
When you get money, you can buy real weapons (because the default one is shit), you repeat, and when you got enough money, you unlock the next level and a new weapon.
You can also kill everyone, and if you leave no witnesses, it has no consequences (albeit more police). But even if you play like this, it doesn't feel like HM. The closest feeling I had to that game with metrocide was buying a shotgun and start shooting everybody, but it usually get you killed in less than a minute.

Nevertheless, even if simple and underachieved, I am having lots of fun, so if you are atracted by the idea, take advantage of the bundle and get it. You can also get the DRM-free build for as low as a penny, so if you are even 1% still interested after my quick description, I'd say grab it.

TL;DR: it reminds a tiny wee bit, but plays totally different. Nevertheless it is still a fun game if you can get it cheap, what you can do until 14-15-15 in the current humble weekly bundle for as low as 1 penny (DRM-Free only) or 1 $ for a Steam key.
Post edited May 10, 2015 by javihyuga