katho3d: Hello, Metro Exodus is a great game, but some keys seems to be hard coded and rebinding them breaks the game. For example, if I want to use the arrow keys instead of WASD, I can´t use the radio, map etc anymore.
A fix would be really appreciated :)
This has been an issue since the game released and will most likely not be fixed. This is a workaround that should work though, but no promises.
In the main install directory, open user.cfg with notepad and you should see the following lines:
bind up kUP
bind left kLEFT
bind right kRIGHT
bind down kDOWN
These are the keys for the radio, not character movement. Change them to:
bind up kW
bind left kA
bind right kD
bind down kS
Now the radio and map should work using the WASD keys even if you've changed the character movement keys to be something else. I hope this helps.