zachary1332: Do you know if theres a way to use an xinput device?
I recently got uses xinput and that would be perfect for this
Just made a fresh install of the game to look into it. I used Xbox One controller connected through receiver.
I didn't made any changes after installation, so everything was at default settings. Controller works with pre-configured scheme:
- movement assigned to Dpad;
- punch/use item action assigned to B;
- using weapons assigned to X;
- item inventory assigned to LT;
- weapon inventory assigned to RT;
- radio assigned to... I would name it a "select" button;
- pause game assigned to menu button.
This is a default button setting for whatever controller you will use and you can change them no problems. One thing to point out. Movement settings can be reconfigured for analog stick, but both analog stick and Dpad can't be configured at the same time as only one button per action can be registered.
I didn't try to connect my controller through Bluetooth, but I assume everything should work fine as well.