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Mechajammer | The Linux Version Has Landed!
And with it, a couple of additional fixes and improvements.
The Linux version of Mechajammer
is here!

To our Linux community: thank you for patiently waiting to play or pick up Mechajammer,
we hope that because of this wait, you're able to have a more stable build in your hands and a better experience overall.

We've had a few questions about why the timing of the Linux release had changed, and we'd like to give you some clarity on that.

After launch, we had to shift our focus to fixing pressing issues for those who were already experiencing the game. We were waiting on a different QA team to our regular testers to review and let us know it was ready to go live. For us, the Linux build has been around the corner and ready to release for a while. Unfortunately, we've had to wait on external parties for longer than we anticipated.

We can't wait for you to experience roaming the streets of Calitana and join with the rest of the community in solving puzzles, working out best character builds and fighting rats.

Testing has been difficult on Linux, and while it should now have parity with other platforms in terms of stability, if you come across any issues in the game, please head to the official Discord server to leave a bug report.

The recent push to main that we're calling v1.81 also comes with a few hot fixes, listed below:

Fixed an issue with vehicles where a pooling bug can lead to them not show up at all over time with character/NPC use, or show up invisibly while stationary or with drivers
Fixed visual anomaly with hitting non-combatants with vehicles where they pop between two tiles

As always, huge thanks. And until next time.

— Whalenought Studios & Modern Wolf
Hej ho,

I'm really stoked for this annoucement. However, I can't see the linux version in the download area. GOGDB also doesn't list a linux download even though the current version seems to be 1.081.

Please fix this ASAP, can't wait to get my hands dirty with the game :P
labuvetteducampus: Hej ho,

I'm really stoked for this annoucement. However, I can't see the linux version in the download area. GOGDB also doesn't list a linux download even though the current version seems to be 1.081.

Please fix this ASAP, can't wait to get my hands dirty with the game :P
Open a ticket if you want them to know.
I have noticed that it takes a day or two for the updates to get pushed to GOG.
Hopefully this one is soon.

Edit: Just checked and 1.081 is now on GOG. Probably just take a bit more time for the Linux build to make its way here.
Post edited February 19, 2022 by greyhat

I wanted to ask if you (greyhat) could investigate the issue. I mean I already opened a ticket, but by now about one week has passed and I am starting to wonder if something went wrong in the uploading process.

That would be really appreciated, since I really can't wait to get my hands on the game :)

Have a good day!
I can confirm. Still no Linux download available...
I can ask at the Discord. Weird that it is still not here yet. Must still be passing GOGs internal development vetting or maybe on Steam it is not a native build and uses Proton. I am not sure TBH
Post edited March 20, 2022 by greyhat
I just had a chat with Modernwolf's CM. The Linux version was supposed to be up some time ago. I think probably when it launched on Steam. They pushed out the update to GOG and are not sure why it is not showing up. It is a GOG issue by the looks of it.
greyhat: I just had a chat with Modernwolf's CM. The Linux version was supposed to be up some time ago. I think probably when it launched on Steam. They pushed out the update to GOG and are not sure why it is not showing up. It is a GOG issue by the looks of it.
Did you open a ticket?
greyhat: I just had a chat with Modernwolf's CM. The Linux version was supposed to be up some time ago. I think probably when it launched on Steam. They pushed out the update to GOG and are not sure why it is not showing up. It is a GOG issue by the looks of it.
alcaray: Did you open a ticket?
Not for this issue yet. But I will just to help relay the issue to GOG. I actually dont use Linux for gaming and am just trying to help.

Charis, the Modern Wolf and Mechajammer CM, has contacted GOG though and is trying to get the issue sorted.
Post edited March 31, 2022 by greyhat
just to have that in as many posts as possible, the linux version is finally available for downloading :)