frowning: I'm trying to have a pop at MOO2 and wondered if anyone had any tips for starting the game, never played either of them before just heard great things so thought I'd see what's what but a bit overwelmed...
Yeah, there is alot to take in. Play it on a huge universe with 3-4 opponents to make it take a while to see combat. When building a race, I STRONGLY advise creative, makes the game alot better IMO. Basically if you right click on the research projects in the research section you get full descriptions. I recommend getting some shielding up quickly, as well as pushing for Gauss Cannons in Physics, and form there start building in other areas, all have their perks, and I cant tell you with is right at a given point in your game, as it does change. If you are having constant food problems, then Biology is your friend, subterranian farms, weather control, terraforming etc. Focus on computers to gain access to building that will allow you to research faster.
Unfortunately there is only so much teaching that can be done without being there to help in your specific scenerio. Alot of this game is just messing with it. Okease read up a little, take what I said into consideration, and try a couple rounds, likely getting your @$$ handed to you, but then you can come to us with, I did this then this then this, and the Klackons wiped me out. I had this on my ships, they had that on theirs. From there we can offer alot more help. GL!