Starospil: In MoO2, which I played recently, you had a default of 10 points to spend (all the negative and positive traits for your race could add to a max of 10 points and the most negative points you could fit into the equation is also 10). The AI on normal got the same 10 points to spend. On Hard, the AI could get up to 14, and on Impossible up to 17 (IIRC, anyway).
In NewMoO, when I last tried it, you could not recreate other races, you'd end up many many points short.
Just checked, some races you can't recreate because there are no corresponding traits to be picked. Do the race descriptions need to be updated?
they can all be rebuilt but they need more than 10 points.
they are "cheating" because they are worth mroe than 10 points.