holidaygnome: Hey thank you for taking the time to write a very informative post. Good to know that what brief amount I read about yesterday may have been outdated. Despite that, it still sounds pretty awesome.
It has the potential. Just try to find people with somewhat realistic view of the game and ignore the fanboys (who think it's best thing since sliced bread), the bashers (most of who want to bash game for sake of bashing something) and ranters (who most ofthen don't know what they are talking about but rant anyway). Steam forums are especially full of these.
As I said already, my primary concern currently is the quality of the AI and wether or not devs can teach it how to play the game rather than giving it tons of free resources and allowing it to ignore game mechanics that player is forced to abite to. Way too many devs choose the easy way out unfortunately. It just annoys the hell out of me when AI does things player can't do on regular basis.
holidaygnome: But like you said, lots of games do sound wonderful in pre-release.
Well that just means they marketed it right doesn't it. Implementing what's promissed is another matter entirely. ;-p
holidaygnome: I rarely buy games early on and usually wait till its first sale, as long as there is good word of mouth.
Ditto (I'm a backer (at all future content level) so buying is not concern for me in this case thought), unfortunately it's sometimes hard to separate good word of mouth from the rest. I tend to watch Youtube LP's as they show actual gameplay and it's easier to for my own opinion on them rather than based on often biassed forum discussions.
holidaygnome: Strategy being my favorite genre makes me a little more anxious though to try a new game out.
It's mine too (TBS, 4x & grand strategy primarily) along cRPG's. Unfortunately there aren't that many good ones even on KS and I can't really afford Slitherine/Matrix Games prices (that they maintain for years) and they rarely have any good sales. They have no interest coming to GOG unfortunately and Paradox already went steam only taking both their own games and games they published with them so there isn't much choise is there?
holidaygnome: Still, its a good reminder to wait on reviews and make sure the game is worth it.
Thanks much again!
No problem. Sorry that I could not give better advice than "wait for release and reviews" but honestly can't give any better at this stage. Some of the release features, including last two races, the Myrodants and the Dark Elves, are going thru closed beta testing so what rest sees isn't even the whole product.