Zeus: I don't think they made the AI intentionally stupid, I just think they crafted a game with so many whacked out variables, that unlike a simpler game (Chess, etc.), there's no way an AI could wrap its mind around all the intricacies. Which is good for the gamer who just wants to have some fun.
Maybe that's one of the reasons MoM has such an undying following, it's the perfect strategy game to pick up and play for a few hours and just goof around. It's a total power fantasy, another reason it reminds me of an RPG.
Not many people realize, but Master of Orion (MoM's predecessor) was one of the first strategy games to push the idea of racial imbalance. Up till then, a lot of games had more or less mirrored forces, with each empire having nominal pros and cons over the others. Then along came Master of Orion, and the way a Klaxxon game played out was completely different than, say, the Psilons. It wasn't a case of, oh, these guys get +0.20% food, it was, oh, these guys
don't eat food, so, try and come up with a fun strategy for that. *grins*
SimTex was really ahead of their time when it came to this sort of fun imbalance. Working with fantasy and scifi probably helped (they didn't have to "make up" attributes for historic armies, or anything).
And yeah, I agree, the lack of multiplayer is probably to thank for a lot of the imbalanced charm. One can only imagine how nerfed a modern (likely RTS) incarnation of MOO would be, with all the rough edges sanded down, and nerf bullets replacing laser guns so no one gets unfairly stomped in an online match.
Yeah. The game has so many variables with so many consequences in the long run that no current AI can get close to a human player.
Yep. It's fun playing MoM as a god game. :)
I'm not sure MOO was the first 4X game that was imbalanced. What I do remember is strategy games from that era that was very imbalanced to create a challenge but they was not 4X. Might have to do with that MOO was one of the first 4X games. ;)
You're one of few persons I've found online that actually agree with me that multiplayer killed single player strategy games "flavour". Give me imbalanced races/factions and truly random maps anyday! Turnbased also please. :)