Solar1313: Yeah, IIRC its a total per turn, that is used up by both in-combat and out-of combat casting, I think queued casting goes off at the beginning of the turn, but the first turn you select it to cast it goes off at the end.
I am not sure what you mean "goes off at the end".
Spell Skill represents the amount of mana your wizard can channel each turn into a spell or in each battle that takes place.
For example if you have 30 Magic Skill and you had at least 30 mana you could summon a Magic Spirit instantly as they cost 30. However if you only has say 20 Magic Skill then it would take 2 turns to cast it and then you would only have 10 skill left to spend that turn. Either way the spell "goes off" either at the beginning of your turn or right when you cast it.
Also not many ppl realize but this is a stat that takes quite a while to get to decent levels.
You get to start off with 2 Magic Skill per "Book" you chose.
Also if you have the "Archmage" Skill you start off with +10 Magic Skill and also mana that you invest in increasing your skill (the 3rd bar after mana and research) gets a 50% bonus. Also your spells are harder for enemy wizards to dispel.