The help text mod is Psyringe's Lush In-Game Help Text, a.k.a. PLIGHT, which can be found here: ZFR: ...given its age it was actually quite good overall.
You can't really appreciate just how good the game is until you play it several times. Every game will be it's own unfolding story, and they can be radically different because there are so many different possible starting conditions and so many different viable strategies.
I take it your first wizard had mostly Chaos books. That works. It sounds like you never even made it to Myrror. That happens too. It happened to me the first time I won a game.
The thing is, Nature is significantly different from Chaos is significantly different from Life, Death, Sorcery. Mixing them creates even more ways to play, and that's before we even start discussing all the different retorts, and the strengths and weaknesses of all the different races you can select. And every starting position and every new game world will be different too.
Definitely move up to Normal difficulty.