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(Part 1)



• The map generator now uses a more appropriate full-cycle feedback function for generating random numbers.
• Towers of Wizardry now connect to land on both-, but at least one end whenever possible, without spawning closer to each other than absolutely necessary (reverses and obsoletes 009).
• Towers of Wizardry are now again always at least 4 tiles away from magical Nodes.
• Magical Nodes are now created on land whenever possible (replaces 012).
• The map generator now places mandatory objects (starting cities, towers, nodes, and encounters) on the map in a most restrictive to least restrictive order by default. However, it is also possible to force it into "legacy mode", where the objects are placed using the 1.31 order, observing the original mechanics. Triggering this mode has the following requirements: the Custom Worlds, Old Node Generator, and Old Tower generator patch features must be enabled and, on both planes if applicable, Land Tiles have to be at least 360, Continent Size Limit must be zero, Single Continent needs to be off, Terrain Height must be Low or Normal, and all of Tundra Reach, Max Swamps, and Max Deserts have to be 8 or lower. Any other features and settings may be freely adjusted.
• Encounter Zones are again not allowed to be adjacent to each other, unless this is required to finish creating the map (reverses and obsoletes 014).
• Encounter Zones are no longer created adjacent to starting Cities.
• Nodes, Towers, and islands created by them can no longer sometimes merge into the polar caps.
• Rivers no longer sometimes end abruptly with no outflow tiles.
• Tundra tiles adjacent to rivers now always have the correct terrain transitions (obsoletes 800).
• Starting cities can no longer occasionally have a maximum population lower than 5.
• High Elf starting cities are now always on Forest tiles (replaces 594).
• Neutral cities no longer ignore maximum population imposed by terrain (obsoletes 521).
• Barbarian Spearmen can now appear as initial units in neutral garrisons.
• Halfling, Beastmen, and Nomad neutral cities no longer start with bigger garrisons than intended when their population is above a certain treshold (reverses IM192).
• Dark Elf neutral cities no longer start with smaller garrisons than intended (obsoletes IM192).
• Encounters eligible for two picks' worth of special treasure no longer sometimes only yield one.
• Randomly generated magical items now always have the intended amount powers.
• Restored the 1.31 mechanics for generating Raiders and Rampaging Monsters, with the exception of an upward shift of Impossible in Difficulty-based formulae (it being replaced by Extreme). All other changes introduced in the unofficial patches have been rolled into Revolting Raiders and Monsters Gone Wild. However, do note that these are now patch features, and must be set when creating the game. They can no longer be toggled in ongoing campaigns.
• Starting or loading an Easy difficulty game no longer prevents Random Events from occurring, possibly turning off the related setting globally as well (bug introduced in v1.40).


• Normal difficulty no longer incorrectly allows fleeing combat with no losses(bug introduced in v1.40).


• Finding the Famous retort in treasure now correctly awards its +10 Fame.
• Finding the Artificer retort in treasure now awards the corresponding item crafting spells if not known already.
• Divine Power and Infernal Power are now correctly prevented from being awarded to wizards possessing opposite spellbooks.


• Retorts that decrease the casting cost of crafting spells no longer make those spells easier to counter.


• Computer players no longer occasionally start the game with more than 6 retorts.
• Computer players are no longer prevented from disbanding obsolete units for several turns when a game is loaded from the main menu.

User Interface:

• Corrected the casting cost of Bless in the context-based help.
• The error prompts on the wizard customization screen are now consistent in their display, and no longer sometimes cause graphic glitches when clicked away.
• The Custom wizard button is now framed correctly.
• Cities can now be renamed from the City Screen.
• Cities can now be cycled through from the City Screen.
• Having exactly 12, 18, or 24 active enchantments on a city no longer prevents upward scrolling from wrapping to the last page of them.
• The food, gold, and mana income displays of the main overland view now always show accurate values.
• Having no units selected in the main overland view no longer causes a drop in frame rate and responsiveness in the later stages of the game (bug introduced in v1.40).
• The quick save function no longer uses the same slot as the auto save.
• The game no longer sometimes fails to re-select a stack from which a unit used the Meld or Build (outpost) commands.
• Units with no moves remaining can no longer be given movement orders using the opposite plane.
• Trying to assign an invalid destination to an already finished (out of moves) army no longer deselects that army.
• Clicking the Plane button during spell targeting no longer deselects the active stack, if any.
• Receiving a pick reward no longer prevents the last list separator from being added to the treasure text.
• Trying to issue a build order to engineers while viewing the opposite plane now automatically centers on them instead.
• Non-selected engineers no longer count into the build time prediction when planning a road, unless they are already building on the origin tile.
• The Surveyor, Cartographer, Apprentice, Historian, and Astrologer advisors, as well as the Mirror, the combat-, and the overland spellbooks may now also be closed with the same key bindings that are used to open them.
• The item creation screen now features context-based help.
• Deleting the item name during creation now always assigns a new default.
• Pressing both mouse buttons at the same time will no longer trigger inappropriate interface elements.
• The mouse pointer no longer snaps to interface elements triggered through a key binding. This behaviour is now optional instead.
• The directional keys no longer snap the mouse pointer to interface elements in the indicated direction. This behaviour is now optional instead.
• Pressing a key that can't be interpreted by the game will no longer snap the mouse pointer to inappropriate interface elements.
• Ctrl + key press combinations are no longer misinterpreted as other input.
• Interface elements with an assigned key binding are no longer ignored by the (now legacy) mouse pointer movement functionality.
• Right-clicking during a confirmation dialog no longer triggers context- based help on the screen behind it (causing a crash when the dialog is then closed on certain screens).
• Ability help trigger areas no longer overlap in the hiring dialogs.
• The Settings screen is now multi-page, and highlights the option being moused over.
• Restored the "End of Turn Wait" setting (removed in v1.40).
• Restored the "Auto Unit Information" setting (removed in v1.40).
• Restored the "Show Node Owners" setting (removed in v1.50).
• Reverted "Automatic Combat" to the original "Strategic Combat Only".
• The "Backup Saves" setting now has the appropriate help text.
• "Revolting Raiders" is now a Patch Feature instead of a game setting.
• "Monsters Gone Wild" is now a Patch Feature instead of a game setting.
• Added setting: "Allow Duplicate Keys" - binding a key that is already in use on the same screen does not remove the previous binding.
• Added setting: "Legacy Pointer Movement" - restores mouse pointer movement to key-activated interface elements, and directional snapping to adjacent controls using the legacy bindings.
• Added setting: "Screen Edge Scrolling" - moving the mouse to an edge of the screen scrolls the main overland map in that direction.
• Added setting: "Edge Scroll Delay" - adds a short delay between moving the mouse to a screen edge and the start of scrolling.
• Added setting: "More Random Items" - half of all items are created from scratch instead of using defaults, and items created this way have access to the full range of item powers, not just attribute increases.
• Added a key binding interface. It can be reached from the Settings screen.
• All of the original non-debug hotkeys have been reimplemented as dynamic bindings, with the exceptions of the 'A' key used to accept hero offers, which has been merged into the generic Ok/Yes/Accept bindings instead; and the 'N' key used to switch planes in the Cartographer, which now uses the overland view's switch plane (Plane button) binding.
• Added key binding: "Quick Load" (overland) - loads from the quick save slot (SAVE10.GAM).
• Added key binding: "Quit Without Saving" (overland) - exits without preforming an auto / continue save.
• Added key binding: "Default Item Editor" (overland) - invokes an in-game default item editor (replaces ITEMMAKE.EXE).
• Added key bindings: "Find Next / Previous Army" (overland) - cycyles the view through the player's non- garrison armies (no selection is made).
• Added key bindings: "Save / Recall Location" (overland) - stores and recalls up to 8 map locations that are also saved with the game.
• Added key bindings: "Next / Previous City" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's cities (without entering them).
• Added key bindings: "Scroll Map Up / Down / Left / Right" (overland) - scrolls the overland map in the indicated direction.
• Added key bindings: "Next / Previous Control" (interface) - cycles through the visible interface elements in a non-directional fashion (by index).
(Part 2)


• Playing event music or changing the background track no longer sometimes causes persistent glitches in the synthesizer.
• The Good Event and Building Complete music tracks no longer loop indefinitely.
• The negative food upkeep dialog is no longer missing its event music.

Patch Features:

• Added a "Patch" button to the new game screen that opens an interface for enabling and disabling patch features.
• Added an optional "Last" button to the new game screen that allows quickstarting a game with the last used wizard profile.
• Added Patch Feature: "Custom Worlds" - toggles the availability of the map generator customizer.
• Added Patch Feature: "Different Planes" - toggles whether map generation is customized globally or per-plane.
• Added Patch Feature: "Last Profile Reload" - toggles the availability of the "Last" button.
• Added Patch Feature: "Load Last Banner" - toggles whether the "Last" button stops on the banner selection screen or not.
• Added Patch Feature: "No AI Race Restriction" - toggles the high difficulty Arcanus AI race restrictions (obsoletes 757REV and the optional IM185).
• Added Patch Feature: "v1.51 Treasure" - toggles v1.51 budget and treasure rules (obsoletes 777REV and the optional TREASURE.TXT).
• Added Patch Feature: "Extra Node Power" - toggles +1 Node Power per tile of influence (obsoletes 768REV and the optional IM181).
• Added Patch Feature: "No Double Towers" - prevents any two Towers of Wizardry within 10 tiles from connecting to the same continents.
• Added Patch Feature: "Common Elves" - removes the restrictions on using High Elves as a neutral race.
• Added Patch Feature: "More Precise Neutrals" - allows scaling the distance requirement between neutral cities and encounters based on Land Size.
• Added Patch Feature: "Old Tower Generator" - disables land-enforcement of Towers of Wizardry, reverting to their original placement mechanics.
• Added Patch Feature: "Old Node Generator" - disables land-enforcement of magical nodes, reverting to their original placement mechanics.
• Added Patch Feature: "Life And Death" - Life and Death spellbooks are not mutually exclusive.
• Added Patch Feature: "2-Pick Myrran" - the Myrran retort costs only 2 picks.
• Added Patch Feature: "Non-11 Book Matching" - if you don't start with 11 books in the same realm, neither will the computer players.
• Added Patch Feature: "More 11-Book AIs" - increases the odds of the computer players starting with 11 books in the same realm.
• Added Patch Feature: "Strict Retort Reqs" - Computer players must obey the spellbook requirements for selecting retorts. So does treasure, however.
• Added Patch Feature: "No Snow Swimming" - Swimming units don't move cheaper across tundra tiles than ground units.
• Added Patch Feature: "No Deep Tundra" - All-surround tundra tiles have the same movement costs as all other tundra tiles.
• Added Patch Feature: "Mountains Of Grass" - Mountaineers don't suffer a movement penalty when crossing grasslands.
• Added Patch Feature: "Lesser Hero Powerup" - Less useful heroes gain additional random abilities. The Healer and the Golden One can equip staves.
• Added Patch Feature: "v1.51 Default Relations" - Starting relations are set using the 1.50/1.51 formula.
• Added Patch Feature: "Item Theming" - Restores the spellbook requirements of magical item rewards (removed in v1.40 and v1.50).
• Added Patch Feature: "Cheaper Misc Stats" - Attribute boost powers don't cost twice as much on miscellaneous items than on weapons and armor.
• Added Patch Feature: "Five Power Items" - Increases the number of powers that can be imbued into items to 5.
• Added Patch Feature: "Charge Any Weapon" - Allows Spell Charges to be imbued into any type of weapon, not just staves and wands.
• Added Patch Feature: "Better Failed Rewards" - Failed specials award the discarded budget's worth of treasure, failed spells and prisoners are replaced with mana and gold respectively, and finding nothing in treasure is no longer possible.
• Added Patch Feature: "Adamant Alchemy" - the alchemy retort costs 2 picks, but also allows using mithril and adamantium ores.
• Added an optional "World" button to the new game screen that opens an interface for altering additional map settings.
• Added Map Setting: "Land Tiles" - controls the amount of land tiles to be generated (obsoletes IM186).
• Added Map Setting: "Max Continent Size" - sets out how big each continent or island can be (replaces 547).
• Added Map Setting: "Single Continent" - forces the creation of a single continent.
• Added Map Setting: "Inland Lakes" - controls whether inland lakes can appear on the map or not (replaces 480).
• Added Map Setting: "Terrain Height" - controls the ratio of Grasslands vs Hills/Mountains.
• Added Map Setting: "Dynamic Elevations" - forces the base terrain ratio to be that of a Medium Land Size map.
• Added Map Setting: "Polar Caps" - allows removing the polar tundra caps.
• Added Map Setting: "Tundra Reach" - controls how far from the top and bottom Tundra tiles can appear.
• Added Map Setting: "Max Desert Regions" - controls the amount of Desert regions the game will try to create.
• Added Map Setting: "Max Swamp Patches" - controls the amount of Swamp regions the game will try to create.
• Added Map Setting: "Max Rivers" - controls the amount of rivers the map generator will try to create.
• Added Map Setting: "All-Terrain Rivers" - allows rivers to be created over hills, mountains, and deserts.
• Added Map Setting: "Non-Grass Islands" - controls whether Node and Tower isle expansions can feature non-Grassland terrain by default.
• Added Map Setting: "Capital Pop Priority" - controls the importance of starting locations' food availability versus mutual distance (obsoletes IM183, IM184, 010, and 791).
• Added Map Setting: "Capital Roads" - allows starting cities to be connected to the initial neutral road network.
• Added Map Setting: "Max Road Length" - controls the maximum distance over which initial roads can span.
• Added Map Setting: "Mineral Density" - controls the amount of terrain specials placed by the map generator.
• Added Map Setting: "Mineral Quality" - controls the quality of minerals placed by the map generator.
• Added Map Setting: "High Value Nodes" - forces Nodes to always use the "1.5x" Magic setting budgets for encounters and treasure.
• Added Map Setting: "Tower Budget X" - increases the encounter budgets of Towers of Wizardry.
• Added Map Setting: "Strong Lair Budget X" - increases the encounter budgets of strong lairs.
• Added Map Setting: "Weak Encounter Budget X" - increases the encounter budgets of weak lairs.
• Added Map Setting: "Monster Lair Realms" - controls which realms of creatures can appear in "colored" lairs (obsoletes IM188 and 778).
• Added Map Setting: "Encounter Diversity" - controls the possible amount of variety in encounter guardians (obsoletes IM189, 015, and 779).
• Added Map Setting: "Max Neutral Cities" - controls the amount of neutral cities the map generator will attempt to create (obsoletes the optional 026).
• Added Map Setting: "Neutral Population" - controls the starting population ranges of neutral cities.
• Added Map Setting: "Advanced Neutrals" - allows neutral cities to start with more advanced buildings (obsoletes IM193).


• Fixed several graphics engine bugs that had no effect on the vanilla game, but may impact modded ones.
• Slightly reduced the game's conventional memory footprint. It should now be possible to run native with sound on most Windows XP desktop computers, as well as notebooks that allow writing to base memory segment $E000 (i.e. no onboard device ROM is mapped there, or they can be disabled).
• ITEMMAKE.EXE is no longer supported. A feature-complete in-game editor is provided instead. At the same time, the game will now auto-correct all the known bugs created by ITEMMAKE on load, so it can still be used if desired, it just won't get any updates.
• The IW009, IW010, IW011, IW012, IW014, IW015, IW016, IW018, IW019, IW020, IW021, IW022, IW023, IW024, IW025, IW026, IW027, IW028, IW029, IW031, IW032, IW033, IW034, IW035, IW036, IW037, IW038, IW039, IW041, IW046, IW071, IW072, IW097, IW113, IW165, IW166, IW168, IW169, IW170, IW171, IW172, IW173, IM175, IM176, IM179, IM181, IM183, IM184, IM185, IM186, IM187, IM188, IM189, IM190, IM191, IM192, IM193, IM194, IM200, M003, M004, M005, M006, M009, M010, M012, M013, M014, M015, M016, M017, M018, M019, M020, M021, M022, M023, M024, M025, M026, M027, M031, W044, W053, W054, W134, W135, W178, W270, W325, W352, W364, M442, M475, M480, M484, W520, M521, M537, M547, M594, M659, W735, W748, W753, W756, M757, W761, M763, M768, W776, M777, M778, M779, M788, M790, M791, M800, W795, W798, HOTKEY.TXT, and TREASURE.TXT patches are now obsolete and can no longer be applied or removed. In addition, IM178, IM180, W304, M473, W473, W508, W565 and W733 are not possible to reverse anymore without editing them.
Post edited September 30, 2023 by Drake178
What is this Community Patch 1.60?

Is this included in the Caster of Magic version from GOG or do I need to download it separately?
SeriousToni: What is this Community Patch 1.60?

Is this included in the Caster of Magic version from GOG or do I need to download it separately?
If you play from the launcher, then it gives you an option to "change" the game. Community patch is one of the choices. I'm not sure what version you get though (it is noted in the upper right corner). I have not updated from GOG in some years now and the version I get is 1.52. It may be that the latest from GOG is updated. Or it may be that you need to seek the update from another source if you want it.
SeriousToni: What is this Community Patch 1.60?

Is this included in the Caster of Magic version from GOG or do I need to download it separately?
alcaray: If you play from the launcher, then it gives you an option to "change" the game. Community patch is one of the choices. I'm not sure what version you get though (it is noted in the upper right corner). I have not updated from GOG in some years now and the version I get is 1.52. It may be that the latest from GOG is updated. Or it may be that you need to seek the update from another source if you want it.
Master of Magic Classic includes the original DOS version and currently the Community Patch 1.60, at least thru Galaxy (available thru Change Game as stated). They (Slitherine Ltd) tend to keep it updated, as they want you to purchase the Caster of Magic version.
Post edited January 02, 2025 by zandrag
Does 1.6 build on 1.5? I've started playing it again and couldn't find the 1.50 patches to download so I got this. Its pretty good, but it seems like there are a lot fewer neutral cities and not as many lairs and less likely to spawn near an enemy wizard. Also, Extreme doesn't seem as a hard as it was in 1.5, which is a good ting probably. Where the resources bonuses toned down on higher levels? I also don't see the more detailed intelligence info that you got in 1.5 when scouting a lair.
Nevermind the question above, I've answered it myself. As far as things like the number of lairs and neutral towns, this has lot to do with various settings, primary "More precise neutrals", which results in the generation of a lot more neutral towns, which I prefer. Overall I think 1.6 is really good. Definitely worth the purchase.