Posted January 21, 2022
high rated
Ghostlight released a patch that restores the cut content from the Mary Skelter 2 package earlier today after all the backlash:
Direct link for the patch:
Installation steps for GOG users according to the link above:
1. Open GOG Galaxy, right-click on the game and under “Manage installation” select “Show folder”
2.Copy the Minigame.dat file into this folder
3. Launch the Game!
Steps for Steam users:
1. Open Steam, right-click on the game and click "Properties"
2. Click the "Local Files" tab at the top
3. Click "Browse Local Files"
4.Copy the Minigame.dat file into this folder
5. Launch the Game!
The minigame shouldn't be mandatory for completing the game, but now we can play the game as it was originally envisioned!
And it would've been better if they released it uncensored in the first place, but that's a pretty big step for the better considering Ghostlight's release history.
Little update:
It would seem the patch is just an empty .txt file renamed as Minigame.dat.
From what I read in other posts, if the download link goes down, creating an empty .txt file and renaming it yourself should work too.
Little update #2:
I just confirmed it - the patch has the same MD5 and SHA256 hashes as a generic empty file I created using the command "touch random-file-name" from Ubuntu, as well as having the same hashes of an empty txt file I just created with Sublime Text, meaning it's indeed just a generic empty file, and so the game should keep being patchable even if the download link goes down. Just make sure the file has the name "Minigame.dat", or else it'll very likely not work for patching the game.
MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Minigame.dat
SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Minigame.dat
Direct link for the patch:
Installation steps for GOG users according to the link above:
1. Open GOG Galaxy, right-click on the game and under “Manage installation” select “Show folder”
2.Copy the Minigame.dat file into this folder
3. Launch the Game!
Steps for Steam users:
1. Open Steam, right-click on the game and click "Properties"
2. Click the "Local Files" tab at the top
3. Click "Browse Local Files"
4.Copy the Minigame.dat file into this folder
5. Launch the Game!
The minigame shouldn't be mandatory for completing the game, but now we can play the game as it was originally envisioned!
And it would've been better if they released it uncensored in the first place, but that's a pretty big step for the better considering Ghostlight's release history.
Little update:
It would seem the patch is just an empty .txt file renamed as Minigame.dat.
From what I read in other posts, if the download link goes down, creating an empty .txt file and renaming it yourself should work too.
Little update #2:
I just confirmed it - the patch has the same MD5 and SHA256 hashes as a generic empty file I created using the command "touch random-file-name" from Ubuntu, as well as having the same hashes of an empty txt file I just created with Sublime Text, meaning it's indeed just a generic empty file, and so the game should keep being patchable even if the download link goes down. Just make sure the file has the name "Minigame.dat", or else it'll very likely not work for patching the game.
MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Minigame.dat
SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Minigame.dat
Post edited March 30, 2022 by _Auster_