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I found very mixed reports about getting it to run on a penguin machine, so i'd like to ask here:

How's the GOG version doing? Anyone so far running it fine through Lutris maybe? =)
This question / problem has been solved by Manu3110image
The GOG-Version works for me with the steam client (added as non-steam game) without errors. Just installed vcrun 2022 via protontricks.
Thanks! =)
vertex: I found very mixed reports about getting it to run on a penguin machine, so i'd like to ask here:

How's the GOG version doing? Anyone so far running it fine through Lutris maybe? =)
Works for me just fine, at least with `wine-staging-9.4.1` and `wine-proton-8.0.4c`.
Just had to do `winetricks -q vcrun2022`, enable dxvk and force the game to use dx11: `wine ManorLords.exe -dx11`.
Post edited April 29, 2024 by equidamoid
Runs fine, using Heroic Games Launcher. Had to manually install VC redist, but other than that it works real nice.
To save everyone some research time on how to use winetricks: when you installed Manor Lords via Heroic, go to the game settings and click the button "Winetricks" on the very bottom. There, use the search bar and just type "vcrun2022". It should pop up in the dropdown. Then just hit install, wait for it to finish, and then just start the game and it should work. I used Wine-GE-Proton8-26 and it runs fine.
Works through Lutris and wine-ge-8-26, too. No need to force it to use dx11. There are no issues except after playing for hours there might occur some little bugs. Idk if it's game or linux related, but you just can save and reload the save.. then these bugs should be gone.