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I downloaded the demo which began to update GOG Galaxy when I ran it, closed that and started up from the shortcut in the games folder. I didn't realize until finishing the demo it had started Galaxy again and I had to close it again.

I enjoyed it and will probably buy it soon, but I wonder if the full game requires Galaxy as well (I assume so) and if there is any possibility to remove that requirement in the future. I'm not violently opposed to the service, I just don't care to use it if I'm not required to, and I know there are some here that feel the same way.
This question / problem has been solved by WildHobgoblinimage
whatsnottaken: I downloaded the demo which began to update GOG Galaxy when I ran it, closed that and started up from the shortcut in the games folder. I didn't realize until finishing the demo it had started Galaxy again and I had to close it again.

I enjoyed it and will probably buy it soon, but I wonder if the full game requires Galaxy as well (I assume so) and if there is any possibility to remove that requirement in the future. I'm not violently opposed to the service, I just don't care to use it if I'm not required to, and I know there are some here that feel the same way.
Edited for factual inaccuracy:
The full game does not require galaxy.

I can't remember exactly if the demo launched galaxy since I subsequently deleted it, but you can always try to remove the goggame-12345??.info file from the installation folder (either rename or move elsewhere) after installing but before launching. The game will then not be recognized by galaxy and the client won't launch when you're about to play.
I think I did in fact do that whilst playing the demo, but again, I'm not 100% sure anymore.
Post edited February 03, 2017 by WildHobgoblin
Interesting, I'll keep it in mind for the future in case this happens again.

I actually bought the game shortly after posting that, probably should have come back to answer my own question sooner!

So I can confirm that the full game at least does NOT require galaxy, I just launched it again to make 100% sure.