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I'm currently stuck at Hidden Worlds Level 10. Some really annoying bugs make the level impossible to complete, so I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue. What I'm referring to is a situation which renders my castle invulnerable after another wizard (Mahmoud, eat my pants!), whose castle also seems indestructible, casts a volcano in the middle of my castle. The real problem though is that my balloons aren't moving anymore. Since my castle is indestructible, I also cannot tear it down via Shift-L and rebuild it elsewhere.
I started this level I don't know how many times over, every time the game came up with a new bug - even though this invulnerability thing seems to be a favourite. At some point I had already defeted every wizards except one - then the game froze. Unfortunatley I had just saved, so it saved the frozen state as well. Frustrating as hell!
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Been having some issues as well, ive notice that if I attack the griffins the game bugs and I cant destroy castles or use my own spells as the effects of them no longer work. I found that if I dont attack them till at the end of the game, which if you leave them alone they leave you alone. the game goes alot smoother. I still have the issue happen but not as much.

I also found that if you're attacking another castle use the raise dead or the multi lighting spell. if you use the asteroid or anything that has a huge "draw" on effects it will crash the game.

hope this helps.
Vexille: Hi,

I'm currently stuck at Hidden Worlds Level 10. Some really annoying bugs make the level impossible to complete, so I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue. What I'm referring to is a situation which renders my castle invulnerable after another wizard (Mahmoud, eat my pants!), whose castle also seems indestructible, casts a volcano in the middle of my castle. The real problem though is that my balloons aren't moving anymore. Since my castle is indestructible, I also cannot tear it down via Shift-L and rebuild it elsewhere.
I started this level I don't know how many times over, every time the game came up with a new bug - even though this invulnerability thing seems to be a favourite. At some point I had already defeted every wizards except one - then the game froze. Unfortunatley I had just saved, so it saved the frozen state as well. Frustrating as hell!
Thanks for your reply. So far I could not reproduce the reason why it happens, so I will try out your suggestion.
It also makes sense not to attack such pacifistic creatures ;)
Minrah: Been having some issues as well, ive notice that if I attack the griffins the game bugs and I cant destroy castles or use my own spells as the effects of them no longer work. I found that if I dont attack them till at the end of the game, which if you leave them alone they leave you alone. the game goes alot smoother. I still have the issue happen but not as much.

I also found that if you're attacking another castle use the raise dead or the multi lighting spell. if you use the asteroid or anything that has a huge "draw" on effects it will crash the game.

hope this helps.
Vexille: Hi,

I'm currently stuck at Hidden Worlds Level 10. Some really annoying bugs make the level impossible to complete, so I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue. What I'm referring to is a situation which renders my castle invulnerable after another wizard (Mahmoud, eat my pants!), whose castle also seems indestructible, casts a volcano in the middle of my castle. The real problem though is that my balloons aren't moving anymore. Since my castle is indestructible, I also cannot tear it down via Shift-L and rebuild it elsewhere.
I started this level I don't know how many times over, every time the game came up with a new bug - even though this invulnerability thing seems to be a favourite. At some point I had already defeted every wizards except one - then the game froze. Unfortunatley I had just saved, so it saved the frozen state as well. Frustrating as hell!
still having the issue, im on level 33 or 34, past the one where its a maze and have to find ur way out. the following level locks up and does the samething with not being able to cast spells. not a clue to why it does this.
ok I think I fixed the issue. in the DosboxMC.config scroll down to the part of CPU and look where the cycles are. it will give you a list of what can go in the sections. you need to find a number that works best for your computer.

the line you are looking for is "cycles=" in this you need to have it fixed for levels that have high amount of enemies otherwise it could bug out.

the number I have set was 168000. and it must have fixed in it so it has to look like this "cycles=fixed 168000"

when you have it on the normal settings when you first load up the game and then you press R to jump up the res its gonna be double what you have it set at.

so I started out with 84000 and ran it was smooth, when I press R and hick up the res it will without of doubt slow down and I set it at 168000. now it might be slow. you do not want it set where its fast. you need to have it just blow smooth or when you spam a spall it will bug out and will not work.

I hope this helps