No Achievements is a good thing: You would never get many of them. The game is bugged beyond repair and one of the many problems is that every achievement has to be done in one sitting. Some of them are possible or even obviously only in one sitting like drifting for a few seconds or finishing a mission. Others however are either very difficult or borderline impossible to get for they need full playtime (like do something specific 16 Times which will take about 20 hours and will happen during the full playthrough). Unless you finish the game including several challenges in one sitting*, you won't get many of the achievements. This bug is known and heavily debated but given the age of the game it is highly unlikely it will ever get fixed.
No hate, the game is actually pretty fun!
*which is borderline impossible for frequent crashes or script bugs that force you to restart.
Post edited July 03, 2022 by fsmcas