I have all 3 wrenches, but no matter where I place them, the pipe still leaks, that is, water still flows.
I don't know what will happen if I continue past this point since I am unable to stop the leakage. I have
noted that there are 3 different positions which should stop the water using a walkthrough,
, but none work. A mystery that maybe someone else can answer, though it is now 2017.
kmh12177: I have a problem related to this:
I have the 3 red wrenches already, but when trying to figure out where to place them (I still haven't figured this out to stop the water flow) I noticed a wire thing hanging from a pipe, center top. I grabbed it and put it in my inventory, but as soon as I leave that room it is missing from the inventory. I tried seeing if it would highlight anywhere on the pipe grid, even where I found it, but nothing.
My inventory is just the plant stem and the teapot (till working towards that wheelchair robots needs). I've gotten a lot done in these areas, all I notice that I have left is that wheelchair robot, the vending machine, the slot thingy up where the bird was on the wire, and the pipe wrench puzzle.
The only thing I can work on now is the wrench puzzle, and I thought I had finally found a new item to try out elsewhere, that wire thing, but like I said it disappears.
Is this a bug? Did you have it still after leaving the room?
The wire was supposed to be used to get one of the red wrenches out of the pipe on the floor., so if you have 3 wrenches, you are all set to go.