Posted June 27, 2023
v0.91.63 Patch Notes - Arcane Archer, Epic Feats
New Prestige Class: Arcane Archer
An arcane spellcaster who draws upon ancient elven traditions to infuse his arrows with potent magical power.
Master of the elven warbands, the arcane archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement her combat prowess. Beyond the woods, arcane archers gain renown throughout entire kingdoms for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and their ability to imbue their arrows with magic. In a group, they can strike fear into an entire enemy army.
Many who seek to perfect the use of the bow sometimes pursue the path of the arcane archer. Arcane archers are masters of ranged combat, as they possess the ability to strike at targets with unerring accuracy and can imbue their arrows with powerful spells. Arrows fired by arcane archers fly at weird and uncanny angles to strike at foes around corners, and can pass through solid objects to hit enemies that cower behind such cover. At the height of their power, arcane archers can fell even the most powerful foes with a single, deadly shot.
Base Classes: Those who have trained as both rangers and wizards excel as arcane archers, although other multiclass combinations are not unheard of. Fighters, rangers, paladins, and barbarians become arcane archers to add a little magic to their combat abilities. Conversely, wizards and sorcerers may take this prestige class to add combat capabilities to their repertoire. Monks, clerics, druids, rogues, and bards rarely become arcane archers.
Role: Arcane archers deal death from afar, winnowing down opponents while their allies rush into hand-to-hand combat. With their capacity to unleash hails of arrows on the enemy, they represent the pinnacle of ranged combat.
Alignment: Arcane archers can be of any alignment. Elf or half-elf arcane arches tend to be free-spirited and are rarely lawful. Similarly, it is uncommon for elven arcane archers to be evil, and overall the path of the arcane archer is more often pursued by good or neutral characters.
Non-adventurers: Arcane archers may be found wherever elves travel. Arcane archers often lead units of normal archers or form small, elite units formed entirely of arcane archers. These units are one of the prime reasons that the elves are so feared in battle.
Race: Elf or Half-elf.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus.
Spells: Ability to cast level-1 arcane spells.
Class Features:
Level Limit: 10.
Hit Dice: d8.
Base Attack Bonus: Good.
Good Saves: Fortitude, Reflex.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Strength, Constitution.
Class Skills:
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Weapon Proficiency: Simple and martial weapons.
Armor Proficiency: Light and medium armor, light and heavy shields.
Bonus Feats: Gains an extra feat every 4 levels after 10th level (14, 18...).
Bonus Spellcasting Level: When leveling up this class, the effective spellcasting level of a spellcasting class is also increased.
Class Abilities:
Enhance Arrow
At 1st level, every nonmagical arrow an arcane archer nocks and lets fly becomes magical, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus.
For every two levels the character advances past 1st level in the prestige class, the magic arrows she creates gain +1 greater potency (+1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 5th level, +4 at 7th level, and +5 at 9th level).
The enhancement bonus of Enhance Arrow stacks with the enhancement bonus of magic bows.
Imbue Arrow
At 2nd level, an arcane archer gains the ability to place an area spell upon an arrow. When the arrow is fired, the spell’s area is centered on where the arrow lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster.
This ability allows the archer to use the bow’s range rather than the spell’s range.
Seeker Arrow
At 4th level, an arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the arrow’s range prevents the arrow’s flight.
This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
Phase Arrow
At 6th level, an arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any nonmagical barrier or wall in its way. (Any magical barrier stops the arrow.)
This ability negates cover, concealment, and even armor modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
Hail of Arrows
At 8th level, in lieu of her regular attacks, once per day an arcane archer can fire an arrow at each and every target within range, to a maximum of one target for every arcane archer level she has earned.
Each attack uses the archer’s primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow.
Arrow of Death
At 10th level, an arcane archer can create an arrow of death that forces the target, if damaged by the arrow’s attack, to make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + arcane archer level + Cha modifier) or be slain immediately.
It takes one day to make an arrow of death, and the arrow only functions for the arcane archer who created it. The arrow of death lasts no longer than one year, and the archer can only have one such arrow in existence at a time.
Special: Any prestige class feature that calculates a save DC using the class level should add only half the character’s class levels above 10th.
Auto Gained Abilities:
Lv 1 Enhance Arrow +1
Lv 2 Imbue Arrow
Lv 3 Enhance Arrow +2
Lv 4 Seeker Arrow
Lv 5 Enhance Arrow +3
Lv 6 Phase Arrow
Lv 7 Enhance Arrow +4
Lv 8 Hail of Arrows
Lv 9 Enhance Arrow +5
Lv 10 Arrow of Death
New Prestige Class: Arcane Archer
An arcane spellcaster who draws upon ancient elven traditions to infuse his arrows with potent magical power.
Master of the elven warbands, the arcane archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement her combat prowess. Beyond the woods, arcane archers gain renown throughout entire kingdoms for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and their ability to imbue their arrows with magic. In a group, they can strike fear into an entire enemy army.
Many who seek to perfect the use of the bow sometimes pursue the path of the arcane archer. Arcane archers are masters of ranged combat, as they possess the ability to strike at targets with unerring accuracy and can imbue their arrows with powerful spells. Arrows fired by arcane archers fly at weird and uncanny angles to strike at foes around corners, and can pass through solid objects to hit enemies that cower behind such cover. At the height of their power, arcane archers can fell even the most powerful foes with a single, deadly shot.
Base Classes: Those who have trained as both rangers and wizards excel as arcane archers, although other multiclass combinations are not unheard of. Fighters, rangers, paladins, and barbarians become arcane archers to add a little magic to their combat abilities. Conversely, wizards and sorcerers may take this prestige class to add combat capabilities to their repertoire. Monks, clerics, druids, rogues, and bards rarely become arcane archers.
Role: Arcane archers deal death from afar, winnowing down opponents while their allies rush into hand-to-hand combat. With their capacity to unleash hails of arrows on the enemy, they represent the pinnacle of ranged combat.
Alignment: Arcane archers can be of any alignment. Elf or half-elf arcane arches tend to be free-spirited and are rarely lawful. Similarly, it is uncommon for elven arcane archers to be evil, and overall the path of the arcane archer is more often pursued by good or neutral characters.
Non-adventurers: Arcane archers may be found wherever elves travel. Arcane archers often lead units of normal archers or form small, elite units formed entirely of arcane archers. These units are one of the prime reasons that the elves are so feared in battle.
Race: Elf or Half-elf.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus.
Spells: Ability to cast level-1 arcane spells.
Class Features:
Level Limit: 10.
Hit Dice: d8.
Base Attack Bonus: Good.
Good Saves: Fortitude, Reflex.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Strength, Constitution.
Class Skills:
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Weapon Proficiency: Simple and martial weapons.
Armor Proficiency: Light and medium armor, light and heavy shields.
Bonus Feats: Gains an extra feat every 4 levels after 10th level (14, 18...).
Bonus Spellcasting Level: When leveling up this class, the effective spellcasting level of a spellcasting class is also increased.
Class Abilities:
Enhance Arrow
At 1st level, every nonmagical arrow an arcane archer nocks and lets fly becomes magical, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus.
For every two levels the character advances past 1st level in the prestige class, the magic arrows she creates gain +1 greater potency (+1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 5th level, +4 at 7th level, and +5 at 9th level).
The enhancement bonus of Enhance Arrow stacks with the enhancement bonus of magic bows.
Imbue Arrow
At 2nd level, an arcane archer gains the ability to place an area spell upon an arrow. When the arrow is fired, the spell’s area is centered on where the arrow lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster.
This ability allows the archer to use the bow’s range rather than the spell’s range.
Seeker Arrow
At 4th level, an arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the arrow’s range prevents the arrow’s flight.
This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
Phase Arrow
At 6th level, an arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any nonmagical barrier or wall in its way. (Any magical barrier stops the arrow.)
This ability negates cover, concealment, and even armor modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.
Hail of Arrows
At 8th level, in lieu of her regular attacks, once per day an arcane archer can fire an arrow at each and every target within range, to a maximum of one target for every arcane archer level she has earned.
Each attack uses the archer’s primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow.
Arrow of Death
At 10th level, an arcane archer can create an arrow of death that forces the target, if damaged by the arrow’s attack, to make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + arcane archer level + Cha modifier) or be slain immediately.
It takes one day to make an arrow of death, and the arrow only functions for the arcane archer who created it. The arrow of death lasts no longer than one year, and the archer can only have one such arrow in existence at a time.
Special: Any prestige class feature that calculates a save DC using the class level should add only half the character’s class levels above 10th.
Auto Gained Abilities:
Lv 1 Enhance Arrow +1
Lv 2 Imbue Arrow
Lv 3 Enhance Arrow +2
Lv 4 Seeker Arrow
Lv 5 Enhance Arrow +3
Lv 6 Phase Arrow
Lv 7 Enhance Arrow +4
Lv 8 Hail of Arrows
Lv 9 Enhance Arrow +5
Lv 10 Arrow of Death