As steam has killed the downloaders this is now the only working one I know of,
from this thread no worries, it is just simple grafics and tons of songs
but it does overwrite the cool original title screen
wrote a simple batch to keep switching it with the new one,
just rename the old title screen
c:\GOG Games\Low Magic Age\gfx\bgs\main_menu.jpg into
before unpacking the zip
then create a txt file in the game directory and copy this
@echo off
set gamedir = "c:\GOG Games\Low Magic Age\"
if exist "%gamedir%gfx\bgs\main_menu_1.jpg" goto 2
ren "%gamedir%gfx\bgs\main_menu.jpg" main_menu_1.jpg
ren "%gamedir%gfx\bgs\main_menu_2.jpg" main_menu.jpg
goto 3
ren "%gamedir%gfx\bgs\main_menu.jpg" main_menu_2.jpg
ren "%gamedir%gfx\bgs\main_menu_1.jpg" main_menu.jpg
start "Launch Low Magic Age" "%gamedir%Launch Low Magic Age"
save as LMA.bat
and keep launching the game with it instead