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high rated
Having just finished the game i figure id post a few tips for new players, and others could also if they wished.


Speed is main stat since its a speed based turn system. Boost speed every level up. If you have a bard i would keep their speed a little higher than the rest, you want them to go first with stunning/sleep songs, then victory/requem before any monster actions. if you don't use a bard and use maybe a mage, go with anything AOE, or a cleric with party boosts.

Explorer. Go full support you'll have main damage dealers, you want to boost all your support abilities (plants, terrain) put points mainly into CON so your party can carry more items, and you can be up front and survive easy. Envenomed strike max so you can do poison hits.

Arcane soldier. Go full offense, with no boosts to your dot skills of course so they are cheap to use, and can use them to stack each attack. Play them as warrior with benefits.

Barbarian. No brainer, rage plus high health your main attacker if you have one. All strength and speed boosts to make him a killing machine. Your main damage dealer, also for the arena, should have all strength, speed, mental and organic resist boosts so they can attack with no problems.

Cleric. Full on healer/booster, every magic boost/pp goes to them along with all skill boosts. They are a skill deep class and need everything so they can boost and have enough pp for spells. If you dont use one of course then can dump those magic/pp into mages, etc.

Bard. Bow in the back to shoot. Enough speed to go before any enemies so you an cast your maxed stun/sleep/. Don't boost any boost really cept victory (which includes all the others). Max your bow. Early on you'll rely on stuns/sleeps, etc but at higher levels your main foes, undead and demons seem to ignore it then you'll be mainly party boosting first then bow shooting, so get them up.

Paladin. if you have one, you can't really be both caster and fighter with a paladin, if you want to be a caster a cleric is better, id make paladin strictly a fighter with one spell, aura of protection. That evasion raise, plus your characters main high evasion ability is great in fights. Other than that, stick to full warrior.

Warrior, see barbarian/arcane warrior. Pick 1 main damage dealer, give them the boosts for fighting and arena, and let them go to town.

Some other stuff..

1) Sleep at an inn won't cost you food, so overall usually is cheaper than just resting. Use an inn if your close.

2) Talk to everyone every conversation, especially inn rumors for extra info, it doesn't cost much

3) Mark food plants on your map so you can revisit them if you get short on food. Later in the game you'll have plenty of money to just buy 8 days worth of food when low, but early on you'll be tight on money so use nearby food plants.

4) Locked chests and items usually spawn random items of the type of items included inside, so good to save before unlocking and opening in case its junk or cheap item. Huge difference between finding a 1000 gold item, or a 7000 gold items. Reload if its junk inside hehe. unlocked chests seem to hold same stuff, maybe determined when you enter a map, not sure.

5) You need CON to give extra carry party weight, so even if you are boosting other stats on a character, always do CON once in a while to help with inventory, plus a few extra health.

6) Since the arena only uses 1 of your characters, and you can't use items, scrolls, etc. I would pick 1 main damage dealer and boost them good in strength, speed, organic and mental resists to make them both damaging and survivable. I use a barbarian because their rage critical skill is just great for a boosted damage dealer, but i'm sure any warrior can work, even a thief (shurikens)

7) Shurikens will save your life if you have a thief, always keep it maxed it will come in handly for bleeding. Buy every shuriken you can find, save them up for hard fights. Then watch the bad guys bleed out. Good to have more agility on your thief since it helps boost to-hit, damage and bleeding.

8) With a cleric, your party boosts are the most important so when you get those always max those first. Party heal, party divine armor, etc. You'll want a lot of spells and abilities so thats why i suggest all magic/pp boosts to the cleric every time. You also will be great vs undead once your light spells start appearing, always boost the strongest one and ignore lesser ones (which give less damage but high pp). High level light spells cleric? Blammo, 800 damage to an undead.

9) Watch your inventory, without high CON your party won't be able to carry a whole lot, so don't keep junk you won't use in your inventory. Early on keep a couple damage scrolls (for blasting enemies in the back) your explorer can use them since he won't do much damage until hes level 40+ (since your raising his support skills).

10) Learning, most important skill to max once you can learn it, gives lots more experience over the game. Some don't like it along with herbalist due to being a bit overpowering, but hey its in the game.

11) Herbalist will let you harvest more plants from herb plants, early on you'll just get 1 plant, but max it at level 30 and you'll get 5 plants instead of just 1. Thats 5x the boosts compared to just gathering as you go, which is why many people wait until level 30 max herbalism on the explorer THEN start harvesting for max gains.

12) Experience gear. While learning is a great skill to max early, i didn't find that wearing experience gear was that useful. My explorer had max experience gear on since he was just a no-damage tank, and in the end, that extra 25% or so experience boost only had me a few levels above everyone else. When he hit level 50, i think my other guys were level 47-48, not a big difference. I would wear exp gear UNTIL you max your main support skills, about level 30 or so, then when you start to raise up your combat skills after, switch out the experience gear for stat boosting gear. Having an extra +10 in many stats is much better than the little exp boost. You won't miss it at higher levels.

13) if you find weapons with creature property (vs demons, vs undead, etc). Early on vegetable damage is useful vs the big mushrooms early on, but basically useless after you can kill them easy, not useful at high levels just no tough vegetables lol. Same with animals and humans. Good early on, not useful at later game. Later game if you can find good demon or undead weapons you'll be fighting A LOT of those. If you can find weapons up to par with your level/current gear thats great, don't just buy something if its cheap and weak. Better to have a 50 damage sword over a 30 damage undead sword, etc.

Thats all i can think of right now, fun little game for what it was made on so its time to go work on something else.
eolsunder: 10) Learning, most important skill to max once you can learn it, gives lots more experience over the game. Some don't like it along with herbalist due to being a bit overpowering, but hey its in the game.
The reason I don't like learning and herbalist isn't it being overpowering, but rather that it encourages a playstyle that I don't think is fun. In particular, I actually consider the existence of those skills (and of XP boosting equipment) to be bad game design; the game would be better without it.
eolsunder: Having just finished the game i figure id post a few tips for new players, and others could also if they wished.
Very useful tips - thanks. +1
Explorer (Gaulen) - Can go full support, but Thief changes things a lot. Gaulen's damage comes after 10 in Envenom Weapon. He can frontline or backline depending on composition, but has to spread points a little thin if he's in the front to get more armor. Seriously consider keeping his AGI and one weapon skill up so he can land high-level poison stacks. Thieves can handle traps, and someone in the party needs high Perception. It is hard to have a competent combat Gaulen without a Thief in the party, but you want the poison to at least contribute no matter what.

Summoner - Max two summons and ignore the rest; they are garbage when they are not maxed out. Nalaet is the most power-efficient way to heal through the early and mid-game. Taliet will cancel out burning from Flames, which can be a problem for mid-game mages. Raznet for poison or Valvet for burning are strong options, but you can't do both without skipping out on Nalaet. Kersket can tank a bit, but probably isn't worth it. Febret is a buffer, but such an extremely tactical role shouldn't be left to the RNG, so it will be bad. Golot (the gold generator) is unique, and does not suffer from under-investing - if you plan to dump every spare point into a third summon, this is the only real option.

Mage - Everything before Flames goes obsolete before long. Maybe the freezing/shocking touch can be justified one-pointers, but mostly you just want to survive until 7. If you're choosy with spell points, then you can go hard into Perception, Learning, and maybe even Object Identification.

In general, be on the lookout for dead-end skills that will go obsolete and ruin your run. Don't be afraid to start over a few times. Alternately, play on low difficulty and plan your harder run more carefully.
Nice tips, I wish I had found this thread before starting with the game. One tip for mages: get Blizzard as soon as you can, it definitely helps against those damn bees!
Post edited August 09, 2021 by Maxvorstadt