kelleyp33: I had the same problem on Ubuntu 14.04, the game works but no audio.
In my case, it was because I'm on a fairly new x64 Ubuntu install, and I did not have the 32 bit versions of pulseaudio and libasound2 installed. To remedy this on ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libasound2:i386 pulseaudio:i386
Hopefully that will be helpful to anyone else running into this.
Thank you! While this worked, I'd like to point out that (at least on 16.04), just running this will cause apt to remove the 64 bit versions of some packages (pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-utils rtkit). This is after enabling multiarch support with "dpkg --add-architecture i386". On restart, this prevents any and all sound from being played.
However, if you then reinstall the 64 bit packages that were removed, all seems to be well (after another restart). More than the sound just working again, however, I found that the sound that just wasn't coming through from Braid started playing. Thanks for saving me from a silent Braid playthrough!