Patryn: Not exactly true. Every LucasArts game used iMuse but Monkey Island 2 was the first one that used iMuse in a way which we nowadays know as iMuse. :), they did not. iMuse was not a thing at all until Monkey Island 2. All LA games prior did music the old fashioned way of changing cues on the spot whenever the engine called for it. iMuse helps perform tricks such as fade-ins, fade-outs, building more instrumentation as the player traverses, seamless transitions between cues, and much more -- all of which is not present at all in any games prior, Loom included.
Anyhoo...I second the notion for the EGA version, as it's what I consider the definitive one. The FM-Towns version wouldn't hurt to have either -- if Zak McKracken could do it, why can't this game?