LePeureux: Id like to know seriously.... What the fuck is that 2 star garbage review doing on top with almost 3k votes? The 2nd one had 700ish votes..
Some people prefer some actual text in their reviews other than just a repeat of the rating, because a rating tells them nothing about the game and text allows them to judge for themselves. Some people also don't think this game is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I, for one, don't agree with the review, but I dislike the game for my own reasons (e.g. a game written in 2012 that 's more painful to play than EOB3). Why don't you go ahead and write yet another 5-star review, and maybe actually have more words in it than "It's a modern masterpiece - low review scores are from drug-addled losers"?
Edti: Also, voting for a review (aka saying this review was helpful) is not the same as agreeing with either the score or the content. With an average score of 4.5, it seems most people think 2 stars are too low. I really don't understand what specifically about the review(s) you're complaining about. Also, the 2nd review you refer to is mostly somebody's pretty prose, and says nothing about actual gameplay (about the only thing it acknowledges is that it's real-time, and implies that I'd actually want to use paper & pencil to augment a 2012 game). I guess that's pretty standard for modern game reviews, though. At least 90% of the "long" reviews I read these days are just the authors trying to show off how flowery their writing can be without actually saying anything.