Controller51: First I didnt recognize but with headphones you can hear it! It really sounds like the old WinXP shutdown. 2.45-2.46min. But if you didnt mention it I wouldnt ever heard it...crazy stuff...
At last! Someone else hears it! I'm not crazy! Thank You Controller51 & Karma_Police!:)
And man, does it break me away from the game. There i am, playing, and suddenly i'm yanked away by the thought of someone shutting their XP down. gah!
Anyhow, guys, it's at 2:45, starts while he's doing the strafing move right before casting a fireball.
Thing it, i know it's part of the ambient music [heard it multiple times while searching an empty level for missed secrets], thought not sure if it's intentional. Given the nature of modern ambient music, which is not recorded using instruments and amps via a microphone, but a [for example] tracker, i'd say it's intentional, but damn, is it breaking me away from the game a bit. It's just a quirk, so i don't want to bother the amazing people at Almost Human about it.
I have to say, though, it is interesting to see so many people not hearing it. I've been often told i'm hearing things, i'm glad it's just an overly sensitive ear, not a hallucination. See, when so many people in your life tell you, you might be a bit on the crazy side, it's easy to give in after a few years.