N3vErB0rED: Not that the developers of the remaster will, but this game was really primed for a soulsborne kind of risk/reward system. This would be intriguing to me. On that note, I found that the enemies in 2 were especially obnoxious. The fight system in 2 was horrible to manage, and there's little wonder that they scrapped it in favor of the Devil May Cry system in Defiance.
It took me around 5 minutes to kill the last boss (if you can call them bosses) in SR2 just because landing a hit was tedious at best; more than once I unlocked auto-face and just ran around the last boss, poking him in the back because anything else was an annoying affair of watching him jump, duck, dodge, block, and quick fire jabs that are a few iframes faster than Raziel's jabs with the soul reaver. I'm all for a difficulty increase, but ONLY if they tweak the fight system to something manageable and less obnoxious.
To be completely honest, I used to skip SR2 entirely when I was in the mood for the LOK saga. I would just play BO, SR1, Read a lore book (saying, "Oh I remember that...") for SR2, play BO2, then Defiance. Seriously -- SR2 was very unfinished, and it really deserves a reboot as a combination of 1, 2, and defiance in one completed game.
I agree SR2 is my least favorite because of the combat, but i also find it the easier one.