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Just some things I'd like to have. Everyone feel free to add more :-) !

Higher zoom scale range.

Exit without Saving. Saving needs some time, and as I usually save by myself before exit, it‘s just the double time… Also, when I only check for some information from earlier games, saving only means to delete the unneccessary Autosave files manually (as they are needless but count for the Autosaved file number).

Sorting Saved Files: I would appreciate the possibility to save directly into folders. Especially as at the moment, the Sorting by Date handles file order a bit... awkward.

Allow data accumulation for other timespans (one hour might be good). This applies to all data collections: shop data, statistics, …

Make left Shift key working, too. It‘s tedious to need both hands for movement with arrow keys.

A visual sign for shops in which a shelve is filled to less then 10%.

A nugget collector.
And a cotton explanting machine.
It‘s fine if one has to pick up a couple of them. Some dozens become tedious. More then a hundred (as may happen to cotton in territories one got late in the game) are a pain...

An „edge“ Splitter: one exit straight, one exit to one of both sides.

A „backlog“ (or „tailback“) Splitter: should redirect items only if the other exit already contains a waiting item.

The new „Collect all“ function is great! However… would you mind to make two exceptions: first an exception for the Turing Trees in Freegame mode? I can‘t replace them, my constructs collapse after a short time or fall into a „freezed“ state :(. (Game file: 7.10., 21:43)
And the second for the trading ports with other cat societies.