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Hello, I'm Spymaster and creator of the fandom Wiki for the Lands of Lore series. I'm not a speedrunner myself, but I have a huge amount of respect for the craft. I don't know how active this forum is currently, but I would love to have any and all input from the community. We've grown to +1,000 articles and pictures and I try to update weekly, if not every day. I think it's fair to say it is currently the #1 resource for all things Lands of Lore related, but there's still much work to be done. Any insight that could be used to improve and enhance our understanding of the games would be greatly appreciated. Please check it out when you have the time. Thank you.
Well done!

Here's something to add for Belial:

I believe a lot of people still don't know that you don't actually need that crappy horn to slay him. Of the videos I checked on YouTube, I only see people ending Belial's life by using that horn.

Baccata mentions something like needing it because Belial cannot be killed by mortal means. And this is correct of course.
Thing is: Once you buff up Thohan's Great Sword and/or Firestorm at The Forge (altar to the right of the Dreamstone), these weapons cease to be mundane and can be used with great effect to destroy Belial in mere seconds.

Thohan's sword is especially great due to its faster swing speed over Darkstorm and when used in conjunction with the Cobra Statue (double attack speed), ooooh boy.