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Patchnotes 1.0.0a (Di., 10. Oktober 2023)
Greetings Jarls!

We’ve just released a patch today with some bugs and translation changes. Thank you to everyone who pointed out the bugs and fixes!

- Introduced a significant change in the "Tree of Life." Players can now preview the attributes and benefits of all nodes, even if they still need to be unlocked. This change will help you plan a more precise roadmap to develop your village as you progress. However, the exact path to each node remains hidden.
- Fixed overlapping text issues and some UI errors in certain languages.
- Addressed translation mistakes and untranslated words in some languages.
- Resolved the issue of missing characters in Polish.
- Minor performance improvements


Patchnotes 1.0.0b (Fr., 13. Oktober 2023)
Greetings Jarls!

We’re continuing to go through your bug reports and messages, and we’ve just released a patch today with some bugs fixes and translation changes.

- Fixed an issue of receiving a different event during the battle.
- Fixed an objective displaying misleading text.
- Fixed a bug that even though the music was turned off on the battle screen, the sound was still heard.
- Fixed a bug where heroes do not stay at home when save loading is done.
- Fixed a bug in the “Luxury want” objective.
- Fixed an issue where boats could not be assigned to another dock when the fishing hut was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where the hero payment event disappeared from the left notifications.
- Small info boxes can now be closed more easily.
- Now, if there is a farmer in the village and the auto harvest feature is turned on in the fields, no notification will appear on the screen.

GOG-Version: 1.0.0a
Post edited October 14, 2023 by Ulf2016
Patchnotes 1.0.0c
Greetings Jarls!

We’re continuing to go through your bug reports and messages, and we’ve just released a patch with a variety of bug fixes.

- A bug in the Runic system has been fixed.
- Incorrect words in some languages have been corrected.
- 4 new events have been added.
- The 'no materials' bug in the Herbalist House has been fixed.
- Incorrect notifications appearing over villagers have been corrected.
- The tailor and blacksmith can also view crafted items now by pressing the ALT key.

Thank you to those who pointed out these bugs on Discord, Steam, and on other platforms! Your reports are a valuable tool that can help us bring you an even better experience. And as always, thank you for your support and for playing the game!

Land of the Vikings Update 1.1 - New Resource Management UI & New Map!

Bug Fixes:
- The problem of villagers not being able to pass through the Wooden Wall has been fixed.
- The issue where ships would go to battle and not return has been fixed.
- The error preventing heroes from being redeployed to battle after returning from a previous fight has been resolved.
- Fixed the issue where effects could not be deleted when buildings made in the Editor were added to the game.
- The problem of performance drop as the time spent playing the game has been resolved.

Land of the Vikings v1.2.0: Journey to Dage Island NO GOG!

Bug Fixes:
- New Shortcut Key (R) for Making Roads: Easily build roads with the new shortcut key 'R'.
- Camera Control Helper: Fixed the states of Q and E buttons to match the correct camera control functions.
- Camera Drift: Resolved the issue where the camera occasionally drifts off unexpectedly.
- Fishing Achievement: Corrected the "Time to Go Fishing" achievement to trigger appropriately, considering the starting fishing ships.
- Building Border: Fixed the issue where a red border appears when adding decorations near buildings.
- Statistics Panel: The statistics panel now functions correctly when the game is paused.
- Building Highlights: Buildings’ outlines are now highlighted properly when construction occurs while the game is paused.
- Productivity Display: Productivity percentage is now visible again after placing a Hunter Lodge or Gatherer Hut.
- Tutorial Screen: Updated the tutorial screen to correctly indicate the position of the building selection menu (bottom instead of right).
- Animal Ranch Employment: Addressed the bug showing incorrect employment numbers (e.g., 23/20) in fully employed animal ranches.
- Pathfinding: Fixed the issue where people walk through the wooden walls.
- Tavern Storage Expansion: Resolved the inability to expand the storage of the Tavern.
- Hunger Complaints: Adjusted the number of hunger complaints to dynamically change according to the population size.
- Improvements: Various improvements have been made to enhance your overall gaming experience. Updating to this version is beneficial.

Land of the Vikings - Thralls DLC Now Available! NO GOG!

Land of the Vikings - Thrall DLC - Languages Patch Note NO GOG!

Languages now available in the Thralls DLC:
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Polish
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese
- Turkish

Land of the Vikings: Dage Island NO GOG!!

Land of the Vikings: Thralls NO GOG!!