Changelog - v0.1.15.2326 + Adult player change at 20
+ Life mirror
+ Dating first pass work including locations to discover
+ Can create some extra custom task types (Goddess/Brounie Offering/Feed Pet)
- Animal food likes and dislikes improved on
- Some improvements around following navigation (though more to be done)
- Improvements to offering statue 'worship' state
- New SFX for several player actions
- Monument stone UI update (in progress)
- Glow for home offering shrines gifted
- World map background scrolls with movement
- Updates for some of the level maps to a higher resolution version
- Some task tidyup after the first season
- NPC status now shows friendship level and an indicator of how far the level is from going up
- Adjustment of shadow offset for NPC's
- Adjusted frequency of illnesses from lack of food to be a bit slower
x Fixed the screen judder when hitting collisions, particularly noticeable while riding the pig
x Speculative change to allow large address aware memory. This allows the game to use some more memory (3gb/4gb cap based on availability and a 32/64 bit OS respectively) which may be helpful in reducing instances of out of memory issues.
x Fix for Druida Cross lost item tasks having nowhere to place the item
x Can assign swords to combat hotbar using number keys
x Friendship point consequence for not completing a task with an expiry time
x Cleared NPC quest markers if a task is removed
x Fix for NPC's wandering off from playing the lute (they should fall asleep if not immune to it!) Changelog - v0.1.15.2332 + Added changelog option to the options screen to see this changelog!
- For noticeboard tasks, if the reward is money it should still give a little friendship boost
- Make day of date clearer
x Fix for audio memory leak when entering and leaving shops
x Fix for crash on ledger when no transactions are present
x Player shouldn't revert to kid after shrinking finishes
x Player hair colour should change correctly when loading a save as an adult
x Collected proverbs should show the correct item image on the collect screen
x NPC age correctly moves on a year on various screens after the NPC's birthday
x Delivery tasks shouldn't reflect negative friendship if the NPC doesn't like the item but has still requested it for whatever reason!
x Created tasks that repeat should repeat correctly after the first repeat
x Created tasks shouldn't reward brass when not expected to
x Characters should handle multiple dates correctly
x Rose of Romance can be delivered as part of a task
x Adjusted burial ground map player offset
x Stop pig riding sound happening in certain menus[url=][/url]
Changelog - v0.1.16.2360 + Road to marriage setup in place where the player has a seven step tradition in proposing to eligible characters
+ Wedding cutscene placeholder draft
+ After marriage spouse should live on the player's farm (first pass)
+ A new region is accessible via Rivermoor (first pass)
+ Larder added next to stove in player's home
ᅠᅠ• Can store up to 10 items usable by the player's family
+ Scheduler for spouse activities with some additional behaviours to start helping out around the farm
+ Digging has a minigame and is no longer luck based to get a reward (first pass)
- Many region adjustments including:
ᅠᅠ• Mine/cave lighting
ᅠᅠ• Navigation
ᅠᅠ• Dressing the regions
ᅠᅠ• Vistas (near region exit areas)
ᅠᅠ• Layering fixes, and more
- The above adjustments also include the Loverwood region, which got sneakily added a few updates back
- Added additional books covering marriage and some tweaks to existing ones
- Tweaks to goddess offering UI
- Status info tweaks to not overlap icons with text and to show current activity for spouse
x Fix for crash on going to region with date where time has run out
x Fix for holding object positions for the adult player
x Fix for grouped objects not drawing based on a collision location
x Correct navigation in Loverwood near Roger's house
x Fix for error in old gifting screen which results in unintended purchase from shopkeepers
x Improved alignment of Cowpat Farm player mapping
x Prevented create task for monuments for homes that don't have monuments
x Fix to prevent setting wedding day to the current day
x Fix to shop closing every hour if you have workers but there is nobody working in the opening hours for that day Changelog - v0.1.16.2374 + Pixel font option that avoids antialiasing to provide a cleaner/easier to read font option
ᅠᅠ• The setting is in the Options menu under 'Pixel Font'
ᅠᅠ• Some text may still need converting to display in that font
+ Setup to grind wheat and create flour in a windmill
+ Sack outside player's house is the dropoff point for items collected by your family when the larder is full
+ Initial divorce option now available from the priest (at the cost of some Brass)
+ Housekeeping book has a routine set per day of the week
- Larger weekly request noticeboard task available
- Digging minigame UI updated
- Reward chance per level of digging and ability based on the quality of your spade
- World map centers on the region you are in when opening
- Housekeeping book UI improvements, including a dropdown list to choose from for activities
- Discord and Twitter buttons added to the Options menu
- Pig riding player animations now work correctly with 'always run' setting and while walking
- Larder stack count up to 5
- Various minor UI/graphical improvements
- Lemonade stand balanced to have less customers per hour
x Fix for portals in some regions not functioning correctly
x Fix for larder items being mistakenly removed in a different UI screen
x Fixes for a few minor control issues with cooking
x Fix for SFX incorrectly playing on the goddess statue map screen
x No 'hang on' prompt while crafting as a blacksmith apprentice
x Preventative fix for crash on noticeboard tasks Changelog - v0.1.16.2378 - Growables to pick up should have higher priority over planting seeds
- Mouse hover over D-pad icons & tips shouldn't show placeholder rectangle outline
- Pigs no longer eat eggs
x Fix for residents of Mellowfields taking over the noticeboard with their tasks
x Time correctly pauses during the hour and NPC's while most menus are showing (whereas current exceptions are freely moving around, selling at a stall, and being in the blacksmith minigame)
x Fix for crash with dates in regions without date locations
x Fix for ESC not working on the ledger after changing tab while a choice was in progress (such as hiring, firing, editing values, etc.) +Additionᅠᅠ-ImprovementᅠᅠxFixᅠ