AGetzler: In the A Last Stand mission, you can clear maybe a fifth of the map before you run out of exit points. There is a coward villager npc in the NorthEast who won't lower a bridge for you, and at the SouthEast limit you have a bridge marked on the map but it's unassembled and impassible.
I just finished the game, I had the same problem, it's definitely a bug. Reloaded a couple of times the same mission just before talking to the coward but it didn't help, the coward wouldn't lower the bridge. I relaunched the game and reloaded the mission and the coward lowered the bridge this time.
Also in the map where the catapult destroyed the city portal I couldn't go through portal rubbles, reloading made the rubble disappear and I could go through.
Quick-saving often (F6) is a must.