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Without question Betrayal at Krondor is the most immersive rpg experience I have ever encountered for its time. As with all rpgs, you'll be drawn by the desire to experience new characters and watch them grow but what will really hook you in and keep you coming back for more is the depth of the world they have recreated and the richness of the story that unfolds. It plays like a great game but you'll remember it as an epic novel full of suspense and intrigue. More than 15 years later I still can't wait to jump back in again. A real tour de force critically acclaimed as 1993's game of the year by Computer Gaming World.
I have just bought this and started playing it (been playing for 20mins or so) and it does seem like a game I will like. Story is among the most important factors for me and many people say this game has a great story, so hopefully I will enjoy it!
My favorite game thus far is Planescape Torment, because of it's story. It made me want to play more older games because it seems like more focus was laid on story in older games, especially RPGs of course.
Planescape: Torment, Betrayal at Krondor, and (the first) Knights of the Old Republic are my three favorite RPGs of all-time.

The first Baldur's Gate is a close #4.