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I use to play BiA quite a bit, and I'm glad this version has the overland speed fixed. However, the combat is insanely slow compared to how it should be. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm guessing its a side effect of what they had to do to fix the movement speed overland? Anyway, thanks.
I asked the same question some time ago. There does not seem to be an answer.

Problem is "they" (gog?) cut the speed-adjustement-option in this version of the game (which is quite puzzling). So there should be a hack (some config file or...) that reactivates that option and then its fine. The combat speed is not actually slowed down, but "just" locked on one of the slowest possible levels.

I hope you find a solution where I failed to do so ;-)
Hi gog,

is some fix for this "in sight"? I mentioned this 2010 and rumdragon did so 2012 ;-).

I don't know if it is just the two of us that have this problem, but it is the reason I cannot(=don't want to) use the gog-version and you did fix some stuff that is wrong with my original version (thx for that!).

So could you reactivate the combat speed option? Pretty please? It is already there - or it was originally.
The combat is annoyingly slow for me, but I remember it being the same speed back when I first played the game at release. I always had thought it was my PC having trouble with the lame spell effects and basic ai calculations... but that is obviously not the case at this point! Since it is such a combat heavy title it has been very annoying to slog through the game. I'm just about to start chapter 8 though, so I nearly made it through all the slowness.