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This game is not Windows 7 compatible, not even by a long-shot. Are GoG going to fix this? You can't even watch the intro without it crashing. Come on, we paid for the game to work, and it's listed as Win7 compatible when quite plainly it isn't.
I have Windows 7 64-bit. And yes, the game always crashes during the intro cinematic by default. But with some settings changed I got it working. I checked the following options:

Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 95 or 98
Disable visual themes
Disable desktop composition
Run this program as an administrator

There's an additional solution from a previous discussion (found here) about setting the CPU to a single core using Imagecfg.exe. This solution did not work for me, but you could try it if nothing else works.
Post edited March 17, 2012 by doady
I wouldn't be posting here if I hadn't looked into all that, and yeah none of the solutions worked for me. I managed to make the intro go a bit longer, and it one case it played all the way through, but in every other case it crashed.
Actually i have no problem OTHER then the fact i cant complete farmer brunia quest part where u need to be blessed from temple of henne thats near ligano, when i try too enter that pathway i end up at some other part on the map, this is if i recall it a game bug that can be fix with a patch, i have found this patch i think BUT i cant install it since i use win7 64bit any1 else know how too fix this problem, yes i guess i could just leave the quest but i dont want too :) HELP ME PLZ
I have a win 7 64 bit system as well, you might want to also run this game directly from the start menu! I hope this helps as this game is excellent indeed!
Nope, same deal, still crashed.
Crosmando: Nope, same deal, still crashed.
Damn! I was hoping that would work, I don't need to ask this, seeing that as a fellow win7 user most progs installed from 2009-2010 needed to do this, but if you've already did the compatibility mode/admin checklist then you could try re-downloading/checking the file's integrity, then try the graphic/sound config tool included.

Also, there's this thread that has some solutions, I wish you luck, I have it running fine with my system, and I have more than 400 programs installed on my rig to boot! I really hope you find a solution to this as it's an excellent game so far.
Post edited March 17, 2012 by takezodunmer2005
Playing on win7 64bit - no crashes.
I've tried every suggestion in this thread, and it does not run. I get a black screen with the Sword mouse cursor, and then nothing. I eventually have to shut down the task.
Sneaklemming: Playing on win7 64bit - no crashes.
Just adding mine here -- I'm also playing on Windows 7 - 64-bit; No problems at all, Cinematics are flawless, gameplay perfect.
sounds more like it could be the graphics card than the system to me.