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So, I'm starting with Chapter 1. I found the BAK Help Web and on the advice of a buddy of mine, decided to use it for spoilers through Ch 1. This was a good idea, because BAK isn't the easiest game to get started with. I recommend it for other new players.

Now I'm getting into an issue with inventory mgmt. I've gotten all these little magical odds and ends (cleric's cloth, dalatai milk, dragon's stone, etc) and it's getting hard to gather loot bc we don't have much room any more.

I have stashed some stuff in chests, but chests don't hold that much, and also I'm scared I'll lose what's in the chests when I go to the next chapter (currently ch 1). So, my questions:

1) Is there a good, general inventory mgmt strategy I've not figured out yet?

2) Will I lose stuff stashed in chests if I go to a new chapter?

3) Which of the little items are really good to keep and use, and which ones are less useful and better to just sell?
1. just sell surplus armor and weapons

2. I think wordlock chests and locked chests are safe to store goods in.

3. I usually just sell all those enhancers with the exception of flame root oil and anti venom. Flame root oil protects against frost effects including the fetters of rime spell when applied to armor
Thanks, gnarbrag. Sounds like I'm not missing anything major, and I'll start selling more of the little stuff.
gnarbrag: 1. just sell surplus armor and weapons

2. I think wordlock chests and locked chests are safe to store goods in.

3. I usually just sell all those enhancers with the exception of flame root oil and anti venom. Flame root oil protects against frost effects including the fetters of rime spell when applied to armor
gnarbrag: 2. I think wordlock chests and locked chests are safe to store goods in.
Regular locked chests are not safe for storage. I am reasonably sure that wordlock chests are safe for storage, and that they keep their contents between chapters (with one possible exception).
Yeah, word lock chests are safe, so you can stash items that you don't want to carry around but also don't want to lose. Honestly, this really shouldn't be an issue, as there isn't that much that you really need to carry around. You should be repairing and selling extra swords and suits of armor anyway. You can even use the word lock chests to transfer items from one party to another after the chapter ends. The only time this is really a good idea is Chapter 6, when you can get an extra Sword of Lims-Kragma that you can drop in the Dimwood Forest that your other party will be able to use in Chapter 7.
You should be able to use most enhancers in exploration mode, and while the defensive ones are rather situational, pre-loading Gorath/Locklear/James's swords with those will help a bit, especially in tough battles. Some enhancers are stronger than others though, with the holy oilcloth being the strongest. However, do not trust the in-game book's descriptions of what the defensive ones counter - it's right about some things but very wrong about others.

One very important inventory tip: always make sure you keep a full stack of rope with you. It's possible to become stuck if you run out, possibly forcing you to reload a few chapters previous (in one very bad case) to acquire it.
Alright i got a few questions-

1-When do i get to put points into defense, weapons and other skills?

2-How does the leveling system work, when do i get to lvl 2, etc. The manual is not clear.
this is for bak

Thanks in advance
Post edited March 22, 2012 by deathknight1728
deathknight1728: Alright i got a few questions-

1-When do i get to put points into defense, weapons and other skills?

2-How does the leveling system work, when do i get to lvl 2, etc. The manual is not clear.
this is for bak

Thanks in advance
There are neither levels nor experience points in this game. The characters develop strictly "organically", like in Wizardry 8 or Morrowind – by using a particular skill. So, if you want to develop the weapon skill, attack enemies. If you want to increase your ranged skill, use a crossbow. If a particular skill is "highlighted" (press the "button" next to the skill so that it turns red), it develops faster when it's used. There are lots of way to grind, or practice, a single skill. You can even buy books and practice items to improve them.

From time to time, you'll encounter trainers who will improve a particular skill for all characters (moreso if that skill is highlighted). Spare no expense for training purposes!

With all that in mind, it is possible to reach level 100 in all your skills by the end of Chapter I. If you don't mind grinding, at least.
mattpoophead: I found the BAK Help Web
Thanks for pointing out the existence of this site!
One important thing to note is that max hp is increased by sleeping. This is another good reason to heal near dead party members by prolonged sleeping if you have enough food rather than using a temple. The other is saving money, of course.

This is especially important as spells are cast off hp in this game, so your mages need it as much as your warriors do.
When I got the game I first read the manual, then I started playing and was completely confused and dind`t know what to do. Then I read the manual again and tried to find out things myself.

I am now in chapter 2 but with my experience in lots of RPGs I have some advice.
And also some questions.

First some things you should know:
-When you start the game, your first mission is to get to krondor. Your main objective will be shown when loading the game, but unless your PC is extremely slow you see it only for less then 1 sec.
-Explore the entire world before you finish your mission. Exploring and side quests will give you lots of items, money and skills. Enemies will respawn after each chapter.
-Write down what people say. Side quests can give you good rewards, but there is no quest log.
-Your stamina will not get up completely when you rest outside. When your numbers are red in the resting screen, they will go up by normal resting. To recover completely you have to rest in the inn or use items or magic.
-Your main problem with exploring is inventory space. You will fight 2 groups of enemies, open some chests and then you have to go back to the shop. To make things worse not all shops buy all things. This means even more running.
-Repair everything before selling. You get better prizes and your repair skill gets up.
-Highlighted skills will go up faster. You can select skills any time time, even in a shop or during combat. Highlight only the skill you are going to use next. (When exploring I allways select defens and melee. I often forget to change them when combat starts)
-Most important: save very often. This means:
* save before opening a chest, it might be trapped
* save before entering a house, It may start a combat or you get sick or you give the wrong answer or . . .
* save before each combat. The enemies might be stronger then expected. You will need to rest a very long time when a char dies.
* make several saving files. I have one file where I save before entering a town or dungeon and one file where I save before doing any action that might turn out bad.
*just save when haven`t done it for long, you might run into a trap the next step.
-about traps: You can push crystals also diagonally.

And now some questions:
-When I change to another program (alt+tab), bok is windowd and I cannot get it back to full sreen. I am not a native english speaker so I have look into a dictionary sometimes, expecially for the fairy chests.
Lets Zepplin once said in stairway to heaven:
"... There`s a sighn on the wall
but she wants to be sure
`cause you know sometimes words have two meanings...""
Is there a way to get back to full screen exept save, close the game and restart it?

-I have bought the lightning staff. It has 40 charges but nothing happens when I fight with it. Is it possible to use it?

-I know how skills get up. But sometimes my HP and stamina increases and I don`t know why.

-Are blessings permanent or do they last only for 1 battly like the normal enhencers? I don`t want to waste lots of money.

-Does time only advance when I make a step or is it "real time"?
Post edited August 31, 2012 by Mad3
Mad3: [...]
- you can switch between windowed / full-screen by pressing Alt+Enter

- magic items can be used in combat from inventory (click on character screen to open it)

- blessings (crosses next to armor/weapon) are permanent

- no real-time in this game, if I remember correctly
As I said before, resting causes your max hp to go up.
Thanks for the help.

There is something I forgot to tell.

One more Advice:
-New spells can be learned by using scrolls out of combat.
I carried them around and tried to use the scroll on the enemy.

And another question:
You can buy books to improve your skills.
They have 100 charges but they work only once per character.
What is that supposed to mean?
Re: max health - it will go up as a function of time passed, not just from resting (although resting is one of the fastest ways to make it happen). Getting it too high will start to cause overflow problems though, so don't overdo it.

Re: books with charges - the first time a character reads a specific (by title) book, they'll receive a substantial skill increase. Subsequent readings instead have a small chance to give a 1-point increase. (The chance declines the higher the skill gets.)